We want to tell the past and celebrate the future,” says Tolosarra musician Juantxo Zeberio in an interview last Sunday on the Portal. This year the Club de Fútbol de Tolosa has been one hundred years old and with it the Berazubi stadium. For this, a concert was organized on the Oria River the following day in San Juan. Not on the shore or nearby, but inside the river for the first time. The spectacular was not what you heard alone.
Most of Tolosa’s musicians welcomed about fifteen musicians on unusual tablates: Members of the Mirua group, Prato green group, Tempora group, string quartet and trio of wind. The Hodeiertz choir sang from the top of the Zerkausian. Antton Telleria was in charge of guiding the performance in a boat, circling around the stage, along with athletes related to the Club de Fútbol Tolosa.
Zeberio had advanced that the repertoire would be interesting in the morning, but the truth is that they got it right. We arrived late and lost on the shore of the Oria following the voice of Verde Prato, who sang Lost Times. (The one on the tabside is no little and the lights… wow). They were their own songs, such as the recently mentioned Verde Pratorena, the new single Reinvent of Tempora or Temprdel Milano die dreams. There was also a version of Itoiz and a version of Laboa, and some older songs of Tolosa have had ample space. I was pleased that the local was recognised. The hymn of the Club de Fútbol Tolosa has been interpreted in different versions, from a famous carnival melody to the Txin Txin Txin or Iraolan-zuloa created by the trio of Mirua, who sing every year along the summer solstice. Separate hearing has been good and melodies have grown larger when all the musicians have acted together, but singing has added tolosarras from the barandilles on the banks of the river.
I've thought, "I also want this in my city," and I've started to imagine the centenary of fronton Labrit in 2052. I don’t think you’re going to think about Arga when you set it up, but knowing (at least until a few years ago) that the championship between kids playing ball was called “Chickpea Tournament” and the winner bears his weight in the chickpeas, they’re going to get complicated by something original.
Benito Lertxundi sings to the river Oria “because you want to be the place of all beauties to make it so”. I don't know always, but the beauty of darkness was picked up on Sunday through its waters.
Benito Lertxundi 60 urte iraun duen kantugintza uzten zuela jakinarazi du Durangoko azoka aitzin. 2023an Gernikan grabatu zuen kontzertu baten diskoarekin bururatuko du bere ibilbide handia bezain aberatsa. Bazuen urtea hartua zuela erabakia, ez da erraza izan horren berri... [+]
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
Xabier Badiola
Gaztelupeko Hotsak, 2023
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Where: Ahotsenea (Plateruena, Durango)
When: 8 December
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Il Trittico de Puccini
by: Symphony Orchestra of Navarra and Opera Choir of Bilbao.
Scene address: Paco Azorín.
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Where: Euskalduna Palace of Bilbao.
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Anari + Belako When:
5 December.
Where: Sala Zentral de Pamplona.
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Nick Linbött
Nick Linbött
Kaset Productions, 2024
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