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Nationalism and politics in the Basque Country

What has lost us Basques in Spain? What about France? Should we be involved in their politics, in elections, in the institutions? And if so, what conditions and priority objectives?

Euskal Herria is a people, but also the nation or the project of nation (although at the moment we have to endure two other nationalities imposed assimilating and “doing them”), and for that we have to have a state of our own. We need internationalization. In this old Europe, the people of the Basques are one of the oldest and, in many ways, one of the most interesting, not only in the past but also in the future.

We are progressive citizens who live looking to improve the future. But we have to open our own path, not to live under those other two assimilating macrostates, subsumities, as we are now.

In order for the Basque people to subsist and achieve the structure of the democratic nation, we have to organise the whole polysystem of the Basque country and of the Basque culture. Own language throughout the territory; independent educational system; Basque communication system open to the world; independent legislative, executive and judicial institutions; fair social organization; acceptance and respect of the international community.

The Basques, like the Catalans, have tried to make the leap to independence and to organize a state of their own. Both have been serious, serious and powerful programmes. We have not achieved this, for various reasons, but above all those two States that we have above us, and clearly the Spanish State, both in the Franco regime and in the so-called transitional state, against us, which opposes all kinds of violence, manipulation, force, ethnocdium, prohibition and repression. When they want to close the road to Euskal Herria or Catalonia, there is no trace of democracy on the part of those states.

Back to strengthening EH Bildu in the next elections? It can be appropriate if it serves the national world

So what do you do? How to break the glass ceiling or iron gate? We cannot and cannot think of bilaterality, having these objectives absolutely legitimate and indispensable and as the State is, the government of the PSOE or the PP is the same for this issue.

Bringing Spain to democracy in this main issue is a harmful chimera, as we see. This state is an immutable hierarchical monarchy that serves the entire institutional and media system, including the political system. The main parties, the PP and the PSOE, are the honest servers of this monarchy, and the parties that are created further, both in the center and in peripheral nations, are subject to the laws of the same system. See recent examples: In Catalonia, ERC and its way, from the proposal of “dialogue between equals”, the new consensual referendum and amnesty… to lose the confidence of Catalan citizens and lose up to 300,000 votes. See Podemos, from those spring riots to be part of the PSOE government and to be replaced by the PSOE itself, in its programmed operation, by another “left” more assimilated. She discovers EH Bildu’s crude experience when she has offered them uncompensated aid and found that she is gaining strength “in excess” within the home, removing them from all possibilities of the future, inventing new criminalizations.

So, re-strengthening EH Bildu in the next election? It may be appropriate, but if it is put at the service of the nation-country, not prioritizing the “continuity” with Madrid.

We are going to do Nationalism this time!

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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