Urkullu has on many occasions called for the public-private partnership that is at the heart of the capitalist system, but without any intention of explaining what that connection is today. When the public is complementary and dependent, it cannot oppress the interests of the market and must develop within the limits imposed by law, there is obviously cooperation, but for the benefit of the private and its service. Therefore, the truth is that “from the public to the market”, “thanks to the public” or “the private public” would be, among other things, the formulation that we should hear from the main political authorities today to describe that collaboration.
The recent Order of the Basque Government to amend the Decree on nursing homes contains the demands of workers in the sector, as well as the social concerns arising from the COVID-19 crisis. The text mentions the size of the residences and the key ratios for quality care, the need to inspect the residences is mentioned, as the improvement of the service should be a constant effort. Moreover, it incorporates novel concepts that have been generated, learned and developed in feminist debates: a system of centralized care for people and an ecosystem of care.
All of them are included in the amendment of the Decree. And it leads to the current model of public-private collaboration -- leaving things as they are now. The requirements are met but none of them are satisfied. We talk about the new model, but the model is maintained at the same time. In other words, it protects and secures private interests in terms of public custody. In the case of caring for people and rights or business, the business has won again.
Etxeko langile diren eta zaintza lanetan aritzen diren emakumeentzako etxea abian jarri dute Berriozarren. Zortzi pertsonendako lekua duen pisua gaitu dute zaintzan diharduten langileak 6-12 hilabetez espazio duin eta seguru batean bizi daitezen. SOS Arrazakeria Nafarroak eta... [+]
The legislature has ended and the PNV-PSE has not taken steps to change the custody model. The Lehendakari dismisses with a powerful campaign "Towards a Basque pact for care", denouncing "the political use and manipulation of care".
On 1 February, at the visit of the... [+]
I participated in the camp of small revolutions in July to reflect on care. Around the table we sat five women: Laura and Shirley of the Association of Household and Care Employees of Álava; Paula and Ainhoa of the group “Lives of all in the center”; and Kukuso, me.
As... [+]
The forecasts indicate that the so-called Boomer generation will revolutionize the population pyramid. Due to the prolongation of life expectancy, high birth rates between 1949-1968 point to round the top of the pyramid in the coming years. About a month ago the United Nations... [+]