Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“Building a fairer society requires new leadership models”

  • Jordina Arnau (La Selva del Camp, Catalan Countries, 1991) is a journalist, advisor and communication expert. He came to Euskal Herria four years ago. After decades of journalism, with the challenge of working with communicative power, has launched a project aimed at female entrepreneurs and projects of social transformation.
"Ahots propioz komunikatzeak ahalbidetzen du ikusgarritasun eta proiekzio handiagoa, energia eta denboraren aurrezpena eta emaitza hobeak lortzea". (Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY SA)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

What is journalism for you?
In the last decade I have worked as a journalist, and in the last time I have also had the pleasure and the challenge of working on the Catalan television channel TV3 from Euskal Herria. Less than a year ago I published my first book with Alba Sidra: Dreta Guide pràctica contra l’extremes (“Practical Guide against the Far Right”). Journalism is a high-quality contrasted information service, an opportunity to foster a critical view and ensure a democratic society. With the threat of the international extreme right and the rise of fake news, rigorous journalism is fundamental.

Shortly after arriving in Lastur (Gipuzkoa), when he was 28 years old, he was diagnosed with breast cancer…
In a
self-examination I noticed a bulge. When I was diagnosed I had just arrived in Lastur, yeah, besides being unemployed, and I didn't have my relatives, I was afraid to die... My life changed radically. It was terrible. Cancer took me from day to day to an unknown scenario. So I began to understand life with its capabilities and weaknesses.

In this experience the root of his project emerged. Why? In
this global rethinking, I clearly saw that it was essential to decide how I want to live, how to work and, ultimately, keep what I liked. In my case, communicating, empowering people and collaborating in communication to transform their projects. I left the TV3 chain to focus entirely on my project.

Photo: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY, S.A.

What exactly does it work
on?Comprehensive communication is essential to carry out any project and build a more just society, for which new leadership models are needed. From this point of departure, I perform various formations of awareness activation, promoting transformative communication. I also offer personalized counseling, and I keep writing and making presentations to end hate speech and implement a feminist approach to the cancer experience.

We all have our own recipe. How do we work?
Being a recipe means being aware of the elements that make up personal communication to work and cook according to the needs of each. The first ingredient is always knowledge itself. Communicating with one’s own voice allows for greater visibility, projection, energy saving and time and better results, both material and emotional. Anyone has all the ingredients to work their own voice, and my job is to help them work.

Advise as.Las
advices are custom workspaces to work with people and groups. We work to transform your concerns, doubts or problems into ideas, actions, plans and conscious empowerment. They also serve to prepare public conversations, to define the story, to create and organize activities or to prepare for the dissemination of a service. Always, yes, empowerment, transformation and centered life.

It also offers courses. One of them is called “Goodbye to the imposter!” (Agur, iruzurgile!). Yes,
it is a formative akelarre, a course to raise the awareness of the participants, activate the capacity and search for elements to communicate their project. We perform individual and group dynamics to achieve the goal. We looked at what scammer syndrome is and how it affects us on a daily basis. We activate and smoke the radar of limiting beliefs and work communicative antidotes in our creation and leadership to be freer.

It is difficult to start new projects. Do you think it's harder for women?
Euskal Herria is one of the few exceptions, as there are more female entrepreneurs than men. However, obviously, the standardized model of business and leadership continues to prevail, based on the functions of men, and I work in their transformation, creating new benchmarks. It's unfair, but I'm already suffering, because I want to be a mother and I don't know how I'm going to do the project to keep it. We certainly lack aid.

What are your challenges from now on?
To take care of myself, to live at ease, to occupy a professional place in the Basque Country and to continue working on the project I want so much to transform the leaderships and to make a society more just, conscious and egalitarian.

Vocation, passion

“I was born and slept in an Earth-bound family: nature and its cycles have been fundamental to my creative universe, a source of inspiration for work. Ever since I was a kid, I was playing a journalist, and I was recording my voice with a cassette type artifact with a microphone ... My mother is a school teacher, and on a birthday I asked for a blackboard, as big as the school, so that I too would teach classes, in my own way. I loved preparing the issues, and I was right to give explanations to an audience, including my sister Cèlia. First or second of the ESO I participated in a local TV show, so it started all.”


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