When is the best time to jump? Before jumping you never know if you are going to get there or stay in the middle. The plough is a leap for Ibil Bedi, from teenager to adult. And my doubt: have you made the leap right?
This is the doubt I've had when I heard the record. Before I say goodbye, I had heard some work in progress, and I knew that the group wanted to get away from the naive atmosphere of their last album and look for something more "mature". Turning around structures, thinking layers, working production...
The songs were twisted to reach a new place. Reach a place where they wouldn't arrive. And that made me afraid. Because the song has its intuitive directions, and because they usually have the sincerity of what you are. Even more so if your work has languages that you don't fully handle. I still notice the Arado halfway. I would need one more small step for the size jump.
And that's good news. Why? Because there are no targets here. Because it's part of the road. And if it hasn't come to the desired place, because it has come to the other side.
Those of Ibil Bedi must trust their jumps. Besides standing up, I know they're going to fall elegant. Why? For the great singers are those of Ibil Bedi. Because they're able to weave the melodies, the lyrics and the reflections that a pop song needs, and those seams stick on the skin. The Plough, the Wardrobe, the Clay, the Resin, the Direction, the Laying, the Perimeter and the Xira are all fantastic songs. And once you get in, because you're spinning in the skin and in the background.
Besides being great singers, the group has made a leap in accuracy and quality. In addition to improving the sound, the composition has been fine-tuned and you directly notice what you are now able to achieve. And voices as instruments have gone to another level Ibai Osinaga, Areta Senosiain and Amets Aranguren. All three have done a great job, but Aranguren's is the biggest change. Because besides finding your voice, you're finding your pronunciation. And it goes into one of the most personal and profound voices in our scene, few doubts.
On November 21, 2021 I wrote on this page: “The group has a lot of songs. But I have the impression that the best are still to come.” Well, the group has expanded a lot of songs. And what a joy. Because now I know the best are to come. Because “the road is covered with a footprint.”
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