What are the situations and challenges of Euskera in audiovisual media? What is the offer like? How should it? What would a streaming platform in Euskal Herria mean? These and many other questions have been answered by various agents and media from the Basque sector at the Palacio del Condestable de Pamplona on 4 May. The conference organized by Euskaltzaindia and the Komunikabideak Foundation in Pamplona aims to reflect on the approach of young people to Euskera.
First, under the direction of journalist Miren Mindegia, Alex Aginagalde, a member of the Prentsan Euskaraz project, and Urtzi Urkizu, a journalist from Berria, took the floor. The current situation and challenges of the audiovisual media in Basque was analyzed, and Aginagalde emphasized that there has been a “revolution” in the screens, which has changed the ways of consuming content in Basque. “Young people spend an average of fourteen hours a day in front of the screen: seven hours of internet, two and a half hours of social media, three and a half hours of television and one hour of video games,” he said. He expressed concern that society lives by looking at screens: “Unfortunately, most of the content is in languages other than Basque.”
Another fact highlighted: In 1990, 78% of CAPV boys and girls saw cartoons in Basque, compared to the current 0.2%. “We have to keep in mind that today there are a lot of chains, but it’s significant,” he said. She adds that only 1% of the films offered annually in cinemas in Euskal Herria are in Basque and that the Basque offer of streaming platforms does not reach 0.1%. “We need a streaming platform in Euskera,” Aginagaldea said.
Urkizu adhered to this and said that it should be “everything” and the broadest possible offer: “It must be a benchmark for small creators, so that the Basques feel that it is theirs.”
Streaming in Basque at the Unai Iparragirre center, director of EITB, Xabier Alkiza, duplicator of Bieus, president of Gaizka Aranguren Napar, member of the management team of Kanaldude Eki Pagoaga and president of Tokikom, Iban Arantzabal, addressed a new reflection. “What would a Basque streaming platform bring us?”, an attempt was made to answer the question, led by Miren Mindegia.
Iparraguirre tested the first tranche to show the presentation video of the EITB Bikain platform. “A people without audiovisual content has no account,” says the motto of the project. The others joined this idea.
“Primeran must be the door of the story of Euskal Herria and for this we need a network. That’s why we’ve traveled the road in collaboration with Tokikom,” Iparragirre explained. In addition, they have had other comrades, and according to Iparragirre it is “beneficial” to the platform, comrades and consumers, because it “enriches” its content. Looking to the future, they want to create other networks: “We will make Bidelagun’s second manga, including Kanaldude.” In addition to alliances, he expressed interest in knowing the opinion of consumers, especially young people.
They will put all the contents in the original language, with subtitles in Basque, and will double some of them. In addition, you can visit both in Euskal Herria and outside it. “We know how the Basques live abroad and we want them to be for them,” Iparragirre said.
Aranguren stressed that it considers it an “effective” tool for the Basques and the Basque Country, as a reference platform is needed and Primeran can fill that gap: “It must have access, a window of Basque content.” However, it appeared a little insistent: “Please do not lose sight of Euskal Herria, because sometimes they lose it.”
Alkiza also showed her interest and said it could be a “model”, but she was unsure: “I’m afraid, I hope it’s not the same content that other platforms offer.”
They also talked about the dignity of their content and stressed the importance of quality. Aranzabal said that expansion must also be influenced: “We have been good at making content, but not so expanded.”
They all insisted that it should be a plural platform and Pagoa added that it should be more plural: “In addition to the unified Euskara, the other dialects should find somewhere; that is the wealth of the Basque Country.” He also explains that they have difficulty in collecting and disseminating the content: “The border places us great obstacles.”
EITB’s commitment was also
at issue in the Debate Days, and a disagreement emerged between a listener and Iparragirre. The listener showed concern about EITB’s commitment to the Basque Country. “The international films that have been broadcast on EITB in the last ten years have been Spanish, will that also influence Primeran?” he asked.
“I don’t know what was done before on Basque television, because I have been here for two years, but what we have seen in recent years is that when films reach public television they have all seen in Spanish. We believe this is not the best way to use public money,” said EITB’s director. He added that the “most efficient” is to produce in Basque: “The sector in Basque is an impulse and the audience tells us that people want to consume it.” The debate was then cut off and other questions were asked.
Later, they were asked if they intend to establish an alliance with the creators of Euskera on the Internet, and Arantzazu said it is something to analyze: “It is true that young people spend a lot of time on these channels and it would be interesting to attract them along that path.” There was the debate.
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