Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The deformity starts on the label.

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

One of the largest job killings in modern history is 10 years old. Five thousand workers in Bangladesh forced them to work in a clothing factory in a building in disastrous conditions. Thus, on April 24, the Plaza de Rana building was demolished and 1,132 workers died and more than 2,500 were injured, mostly women. After 10 years, the fast-fashion industry continues to exploit people and the environment on labels like “green” and “fair”. They play with consumers, say they promote sustainability, while they create more clothing, use toxic substances and offer precarious working conditions, as reported in the Greenpeace report on this.

Image: The NGO SETEM organises an act of tribute in Pamplona. Idoia Zabaleta / Focal
Text: Axier Lopez

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2024-04-12 | ARGIA
The ten companies that emit more carbon dioxide in the Spanish state are Repsol, Iberdrola and ArcelorMittal
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2024-03-14 | Gedar
Mercadona increases its profits by 40% and Inditex by 30%
Both companies beat historical records in 2023: Mercadona has for the first time managed to exceed €1 billion in profit.

Iberdrola received a net profit of 4,803 million in 2023
With an increase of 10.7% over the previous year, last year reached a record of 4,339 million. However, President Ignacio Sánchez Galan is opposed to the burden of electric benefits.

Repsol, demons here and there
From the brilliant white talaimendi of Davos speaks the voice of the sheriff of Repsol, so we all understand: “We have to broaden our mind.” I mean, we have to broaden the mindset, we can't think we can live without fossil fuels. What do you think of zozomikotes?

Repsol, demons here and there
From the brilliant white talaimendi of Davos speaks the voice of the sheriff of Repsol, so we all understand: “We have to broaden our mind.” I mean, we have to broaden the mindset, we can't think we can live without fossil fuels. What do you think of zozomikotes?

Iberdrola did not manipulate prices in 2013 according to the National Court
The Court notes that there is insufficient evidence to protect the prosecution.

Espoliazio frankista
Ibex35 eta euskal oligarkiaren zimenduak

Frankismoa ez zela 1975ean amaitu diktadoreak ohean azken hatsa eman zuenean, hori badakigu. Erregimenaren haziek bizirik iraun zuten poliziaren tortura ziegetan, justizia auzitegien sumarioetan eta militarren zein politikarien deklarazio kolpistetan –Aznarrek azkenaldian... [+]

Inditex is flying fast fashion and... ecological crisis
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Prosecutor asks to reduce the fine against Iberdrola from 85 to 5.4 million euros
The Spanish state prosecutor against corruption has confirmed that Iberdrola manipulated the electricity price in 2013 and has ruled out the removal of water from dams in a trial against the electricity company.

2023-10-18 | ARGIA
Iberdrola is tried accusing him of exaggerating the price of electricity
In the midst of the economic crisis, the Spanish Market and Competition Commission concludes that in 2013 Iberdrola artificially manipulated and increased the electricity price, forcing consumers to pay an additional €96.7 million. In the course of the trial against the... [+]

Volskwagen will reduce 400 jobs in Pamplona over the next two years
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Garoña will be shot down by the public company after 40 years of exploitation by Iberdrola and Endesa
The ownership of the facility has been entrusted to the public company Enresa of the Government of Spain, which has planned a total expenditure of EUR 475 million for demolition work. Araba Garoña Gabe denounces that the benefits of 40 years have been private and that the... [+]

Coca-Cola and Nestlé multinationals use banned pesticides in Europe in Brazil
Reporter Brasil and Lighthouse Reports have made the scandal known. These pesticides cause the inhabitants of Sao Paulo to suffer from various diseases, poisoning and pain.

Iberdrola earns 1.485 million euros in the first quarter of 2023, 40% more than last year
Iberdrola won 40% more than last year in the first quarter of the year. Most of its profits are obtained in the Spanish state and British businesses.

Eguneraketa berriak daude