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From the left wall to the present

Kontzertuak: Hainbat talde. | Non/noiz: Gazte Topagunea (Elorrio), apirilaren 6tik 9ra. (Argazkia: Iñigo Satrustegi)
Kontzertuak: Hainbat talde. | Non/noiz: Gazte Topagunea (Elorrio), apirilaren 6tik 9ra. (Argazkia: Iñigo Satrustegi)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Olaia Inziart made the saque on Thursday night at the Gazte Topagunea in Elorrio. Oronko was in charge of opening the small tent of organized concerts. It was even small to the surprise of singer Ezker Pareta. As the hours advanced, many decided to maintain their forces. The cold night after the heat of the clear day would also remove others. Late, however, Madmuasel started dancing those who could not be domestic (furgorated or teleteated, more direct).

In the bounce, the groups that most likely filled the tab reserved for “small” groups were on Friday. From the Region of Pamplona, Hofe assembled a great piece with new members in the warm fansen of Villava. On the other hand, we had it from Buru (photo). I was expecting famous faces in order to support a not-so-incipient group. But on the contrary, in the minutes before the beginning of the concert, it was hanging and not just young people from the leading city. They say they weren't too comfortable with sounds. But as a listener, I can say that I had seen someone (few) at many ends. The sky and the ground came together and the direct of the Nonsense was quite defended and enjoyed. The Madrilenian show of the Elite also stands out, which did not pay special attention.

If someone had strength for the last night, the Toc mungiarras would start the party with their hypnotic concert. Despite the opening hours, Vitorians Iramo and the Nafarroa 1512 group of the canyon showed as much strength as they could make “competition” to the “main” concerts. I don't know what Lucas's magic formula is, and dozens of eyelids and trackers put us dancing with rope games that I don't understand yet again.

I believe that many of the smaller groups are larger than the larger ones, and that there is no reason to understand that because they have a smaller tent, they do not deserve a big fee or a larger projection. The warmth and atmosphere of listeners is also something to appreciate, and I think those of us on the wall on the Left lived it like this.

The ten years of Ernai and so many of the youth organizations were very celebrated in Elorrio. They have looked and sung the present for three days, putting the real one in the future. Now is the time to keep fighting and rethinking it. As Burgoa colleagues say: "There's no other solution to hit."

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