The book Pamiela published in 2022 includes three Igartua poetry (Hitzak orbainetan, Denbora ena ala eta Itsaso kontra bat). Tere Irastorza’s entry will welcome us to this journey and will place the sensitivity and look of Karmele Igartua, while giving us some brushes of the important elements of his life. The original cover of each book of poems opens each section as a tribute to the literary trajectory of the author.
This is a book to keep it in the chair for a long time. Although reading one poem makes you want to go on with another, there are also pieces that you have to read and catalogue, laminate, swallow and digest: deep, suggestive and create a kind of reverberation in the body. Those that stay within a certain time.
Poems were written to live and feel how the book title says and read with intent to live and feel. The author writes about universal themes such as life, death, loneliness, the passage of time, freedom… But he writes in particular and direct style. The author has his own universe, an original way of saying things and able to make elaborate and special proposals far from simple word games. Play with the shapes of the poem, looking for an effect on sight and sight.
The story of the book A Sea Against is especially exciting. It was published after the death of the diseases lived by the author. We can see photographs and manuscripts, highlighting the changes he made in the poems to show the influence of life on the writing process. Here he talks about sickness, death, pain, hospital. But in the images it generates we will find beauty as we will not find answers to your questions. In this section, he selects a word from each poem and makes a poetic definition; modifies the rhythm, opens the attention and expands the dimension of common words.
The tone of the book is surrounded, however, by hope and the sheet. When talking about death, the reader will find that it refers to life and also sings to life: Life comes in instinct / in mind / in the womb, / is a heartbeat/ needs a friend heartbeat.
I loved having all three books together. I still have the book in the chair. Ready to continue taking every night the dose I need as a pill to eliminate the sadness and gray of winter without powering.
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