Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“Reggaeton is not a male, it is another genre; music is a male in the general industry”

  • Kai Nakai is Iratxe Aguilera (1996, Vitoria). The Alavese musician has shaken the wars and corners with music in Basque and lyrics of empowerment. While preparing your new album, you’ve made versions of the most popular songs of the time on the networks. Rather than reggaeton, he says that the music industry is male: “It’s not a thing of the outside, most artists of the festivals of Euskal Herria are men and it’s not because they lack female artists.”
“Sare sozialek askotariko aukerak ematen dizkiguke, eta nire kasuan, kontziente naiz erraztasuna daukadala eduki ezberdina modu ezberdinean sortzeko. Horri esker jende askoz gehiagorengana heldu naiteke, eta artista moduan hazi, ospea irabazi”. (Argazkia: Kai Nakai)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

What place does Euskera have in the world of reggaeton? Little, very little. Today it has little space in the music scene here, but I think it can take the place it wants. That is what I demand. Many say that reggaeton in Basque represses and frustrates Basque culture, but listen, small... get up! Today there are so many genres and
musical mergers that we can do what we want, and Basque youth needs it, that is what it demands! That is why we believe that too.

You work on the tabside under the name of
Nakai. Where does it come from and when did it start? I started in 2020 with Kai Nakai's project. Since I was a kid, I've loved music and the show on stage, and I've always dreamed of being a singer. Today I am at a standstill, precisely now we are preparing the next album.

The issue between Shakira and Piqué has become viral in the world. The song became popular and you brought it to the Basque country. Your video has had thousands of views.

In summer, I began to translate the most famous songs of the time into Basque. I think it's a good way to make the networks known while I work on my new album. So instead of taking a little break for the audience, I can increasingly teach more people how to sing. And another important point is that people here and abroad really like to hear Basque.

The empowerment of women is very present in your lyrics and songs. Is reggaeton pathetic to feminism? I think there are a lot of prejudices, but
is another musical genre and it's not male in itself. You can check it in my music. The music industry is generally machista and not just an external phenomenon: here in Euskal Herria, at festivals and festivals, most of those on the stage are men, and it's not because they lack female artists. We will have to change a lot.

Popular versions of songs or their own songs, what works the most? They both work well together because they can complement each other. As an artist, I have my own self-created discography, but I offer a different content on
social media. Lovers of my music will also enjoy the versions and those who know me through the versions, will meet my music and bring a great surprise.

On social media he posted reel or Tik Tok. Are new times of musical creation and dissemination coming? Social media offers us many possibilities and, in my case, I am aware that I have the facility to create different content differently. I also enjoy very much and I feel very comfortable with the result. This allows me to reach far more people and grow as an artist, gain

Now, at this time when I'm making a new album, I would actually be gone, quite far from the followers. I'd rather be a little bit active on networks and take advantage of time.

"In Euskal Herria, at festivals and festivals, most of those on the stage are men and it is not because there are no female artists"

Alavés, woman and Basque. Have you ever felt black sheep on
stage? No, I haven't felt that way. I know the challenge is not slow, but in this world we have to work hard. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but it's going well. I trust myself and I believe in the process. I think this Alavesa and Basque woman is going to go far, I say. Let us see in a few years where we are!

He told us he's recording his new album. Can we make progress? I would say that in October or
November we will be in a position to go out and start presenting, but I will be promoting and publishing some pieces a few months earlier, as before. I think the record is going to be a very nice job, because we come with a lot
of special collaborations.

Reggaetoia eta euskara, hand in hand

Urban music, in Basque and with messages of women’s empowerment, is what Iratxe Aguilera publishes through the Kai Nakai group. The Alavese singer sings to the actions or events found in the bogie. He has recently translated and published in Basque songs from the finalists of the Benidorm Fest2023 festival. “I hope next year is representing Euskal Herria,” he adds on social media. In 2021 he published his work Maitia in interactive caseta format. In 2020 he published his album Unauthorised with nine songs. Now prepare a new album to enter in autumn. It works with a lot of excitement.


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