In the necropolis was found, among others, a group of burned bones which, after analyzing the fingerprints, have discovered that, in addition to human bones, there are also animal bones, specifically dogs, horses and pigs. Furthermore, the analysis of bone isotope strontium revealed that these animals came from present-day Norway and northern Sweden.
The research has left us an image that we do not see in the Viking films: the Vikings traveled aboard their animals.
A group of archaeologists from the University of Berkeley, California, USA. That is, men didn't launch the lances to hunt mammoths and other great mammals. That was the most widespread hypothesis so far, the technique we've seen in movies, video games ...
But the study, published... [+]
Zamora, late 10th century. On the banks of the Douro River and outside the city walls the church of Santiago de los Caballeros was built. The inside capitals of the church depict varied scenes with sexual content: an orgy, a naked woman holding the penis of a man… in the... [+]
Born 7 November 1924. A group of anarchists broke into Bera this morning to protest against the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and to begin the revolution in the Spanish state.
Last October, the composition of the Central Board was announced between the displaced from Spain... [+]
Urriaren 26an Iruña-Veleia Argitu, ez suntsitu jardunaldian Zenbat esku daude Iruña-Veleian aurkitutako ostraken testuetan? ponentzia aurkeztu zuen Joseba Lizeagak
A group of interdisciplinary researchers from the Free University of Berlin and the Zuse Institute have developed a complex mathematical model to better understand how Romanization spread in North Africa.
According to a study published in the journal Plos One, the model has... [+]