Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The director of Chichen Itza out!

  • That is what the indigenous community of Chichen Iza is claiming these days. Marco Antonio Santos Ramírez has been director of the archaeological area since 2014, but the indigenous people have requested his resignation.
(Argazkia: Hugo Borges)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Santos believes that it does not allow artisans to sell their works, that it prevents tour guides from entering the area and that farmers cannot cultivate the lands that have historically belonged to them. In addition, there are recordings of Santos who speak with contempt about the indigenous and who prohibit them from speaking of Maya.

INAH has listened to the requests of the indigenous people, but has not yet responded. Mexico’s most successful archaeological area, with 2.5 million visitors in 2022, is failing in its relations with the local community.

You are interested in the channel: Turismoa
2024-07-11 |
Gentrifikazioaren aurka, pisu turistiko bat okupatu dute Bilbon

Bilboko AZET plataformak pisu turistiko bat okupatu zuen atzo, auzoaren turistifikazioa salatzeko.

Etxe turistikoak alokairuaren merkatura bideratuko balira, %10,82 handituko litzateke alokairuaren eskaintza Donostian

Etxe turistikoek alokairuaren merkatuan duten pisua aztertu dute, eta hainbat datu adierazgarri gelditu dira agerian.

2024-07-08 | Gedar
Lau urtean %75,32 handitu da etxebizitza turistikoen kopurua EAEn

Lau egunez behin hotel berri bat zabaltzen dute Espainiako Estatuan.

Mundakan atea itxi diete etxebizitza turistikoei urtebetez

Etxebizitza turistiko berriak erregistratzeko baimenik ez ematea erabaki du Mundakako gobernu taldeak, ostegun honetan egin duen ezohiko bileran. Hirigintza Antolamendurako Plan Orokorrean (HAPO) behar diren aldaketak egingo ditu lizentzien etetea burutzeko.

2024-07-03 | Ula Iruretagoiena
Lurraldea eta arkitektura

Donostiako Alde Zaharreko taberna askoren pintxoak alde zaharrean sartzeko baimena duen furgoneta batean datoz zerbitzua ematera. Beste tabernetan, prestatzen duten tortilla patata pintxoa jateko, goizeko furgoneta alde zaharrean sartzen den orduan ilara egin eta txanda hartu... [+]

The sun burns the house
Tourists have filled apartments and hotels with exorbitant prices. And you in your parents' home, desperate, while big companies and speculators put rental to the test.

The City of Donostia-San Sebastian will ask the new Basque Government to apply a tourist tax
The mayor, Eneko Goia, has pointed out that it will be one of the first petitions.

Proud of the old! parties
In the Old Town of Vitoria-Gasteiz, they pay tribute to the neighbors and neighbors who have banned tourist homes on their portals.
Kalejira against tourist homes in Zaharraz Harro! within the festivities, organized by the neighborhood's Etxean bizi housing network. They have denounced those who do "business" with housing, especially the councilman of pp Gustavo Antepara, and have paid tribute to two... [+]

Groups of tourists want to limit themselves to 25 people also in Hondarribia
The group of tourists Abotsanitz, mayor of the city, presents a motion on the "impossibility of going through the streets", on the occasion that the Hondarribiarras "suffer the consequences of this whole tourist mass": "The city model sought by the authorities in recent years is... [+]

Hundreds of people manifest in San Sebastian by a habitable city model
Organized by the San Sebastian Ombudsman Coordinator, formed by various associations of neighbours and social movements in Donostia, hundreds of people have spoken out this Sunday in favor of a habitable city model. 42 social groups and neighborhood associations have joined the... [+]

Debates on silent macro-projects in the electoral campaign
This Sunday the elections will be held in Catalonia on 12 May. Some topics have been covered by the sequels of the Procésa and the possible return of Carles Puigdemonte. But there are two giant and significant projects, both closely linked to tourism: the construction of the... [+]

Will reduce to 25 people the maximum number of people per group of tourists in Donostia
San Sebastián Turismo will implement the measure from 10 April and will be obliged to comply as otherwise they will penalise the tourist driver with fines.

Three out of four Donostiarras consider tourism to harm them “a lot”
The UPV/EHU asks the Donostian citizenship about the perception of tourism and concludes that more than half of the population feels “frustrated”. The research was funded by the City Council of San Sebastian and the Basque Government.

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