Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The market is not the only way

As a black hole that devours our rights, the market determines what our future will be, and how much it will be, taking into account its impact on life expectancy. It is also a growing dependence every year, because it is always possible to give more to the market, either because the need for care increases, or because the process of digitalization has been decided to be a business in schools. It is indifferent to look from which cycle or area of life, the market is the only way.

Little news with the new year. The US Medicines Agency is giving way to a new drug that reduces the consequences of Alzheimer’s, which is already on the market. Asking the expert how much the burden of debt will increase in families with the new year, she will answer that it is early to predict market behavior; the market will indicate to what extent bottlenecks to meet essential household needs. In order to deal with the increase in basic food, the Spanish Government has removed VAT on several products, but it cannot be said what value the measure will have, and it remains to be seen whether distributors respect market prices. As far as employment is concerned, we seem to have finished the year with the best data of all time. Therefore, the decline in working conditions is not decisive, as the market sets the value of our work.

The question changes little if we analyze the situation from theories that move away from the logic of the market, the picture is worrying from anywhere. But there's a big difference: in rock theory, there are alternatives, there are solutions. Let 2023 be prosperous for all of us who want to see cracks and breaks.

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