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Poema liburu bat -irakurtzeko jarraibideak- | Angel Erro | Erein, 2022
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The collection of poems just published by Angel Erro (Burlata, 1978) is a kind of anthology of failed projects or shipwrecks. The title itself draws attention: A book of poems – instructions for reading – (Erein, 2022). At the end of the book, the reader will be asked about its reading, as these instructions do not specify, among other aspects, the time required to observe the image on the front page, sufficient silence or the need to do so aloud. However, it seems that the issue of entrepreneurship and poems offer the opportunity to form.

The municipality has gathered 41 poems in this field, the third of its history. Although this is not a strict guide, these pages are an invitation to poetry and literature: literary forms and resources are explicitly presented and materialized, other artistic manifestations approach the words and the paths of reformulation and reinterpretation are explored, shortening distances with places and times already distant. It is proposed to maintain and not give up the pause or moment that poetry offers, in short, as an inescapable step.

Other issues that the book brings us are the numerous poems centered on love. In addition to those addressed to the use of the second person, who seems to be an exhausting sin of poets, and to what is called “affection”, there are lines that reflect on one’s own love, among them the poem Inca maitasuna. Also highlighted are those addressed to the mother. Love is linked to pain in poems, to grief, to the outbreak, to memory and to oblivion: “Mom, I do things everyday so you are not dead (…) / and I started in secret / what I have left of life”. Among them is the poem Variations of Pain, as the hard is a reflection of the possibilities offered by poetic writing to express the beautiful.

Below you can read the 41 poems. However, the collection does not inevitably require this type of readings: in the absence of a thread, it can be read back, at the will of the reader, in the attempt to obey the refrain, rhythm and ritual and find peace in the shipwrecks itself.

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