They are wedges of the old newspaper courts: “When a young man dies after being injured, he does not stop at a control [Zarautz],” “Zarautz. On Saturday, April 10, 1976, at 21:30 a.m., Felipe Suarez Delgado and Federico Astilleros Ocaña Zarauzti to Zestoa, the Civil Guard fired the car that went home, on the first tortuous turn of the time from Zarautz to Meaga.
The window was opened by the motorist Felipe Suarez Delgado. The Civil Guard shot and put the bullet in his head, burst the shrapnel inside, while Federico Astilleros was shot in his arm. The following day Suárez passed away, and in the following days the newspapers that supported the Franco regime reported: that they “jumped” the control, that they did not remain… The media rejected the news to the section of events, denying for example the covers and photographs that before the week dedicated to the murder of Anjel Berazadi. Indeed, there is no image of what happened in what the Civil Guard fired – no reproduction, no photography, no reconstruction – but a “kidnapped” photograph of the car: The Suárez Pérez family presented the photograph at the Palencia court last year, in the request for recognition of the victim to her husband and father, although they have not yet received it.
Destination: Valentina Pérez
Saiz is a widow of Felipe Suárez Delgado, who died in Zarautz in 1976. Since her husband was murdered, she is in the hometown of Palencia (Spain). 50 years ago and we started: “My father was a telegraph worker and worked in Zestoa, in the spa office. When I was in Zestoa, I lived in the Koiote bar, a guest, and when my husband, also a telegraph worker, had the opportunity to take Zestoa as a destination, my father told us that he was a nice village, friendly people, who was at ease there. We went to Zestoa – my husband and I and the two children – following his own words, to the telegraph”. About Valentina Pérez all belonged to telegraphs: “My father, my sister, my brother, myself later, and everyone, my husband, Felipe Suarez Delgado, head of the Zestoa Post and Telegraph Office at that time,” that is, from November 1975 to April 1976, when the Civil Guard shot dead in Zarautz.
Felipe Suarez Delgado, born in León in 1947, met his future wife, Valentina Pérez Saiz, who worked as a telegraph worker to Barcelona. “I went to Barcelona to visit my sister, who was there working on telegraphs. I was there one day, the workers came together and I, too, by my sister's hand. So I met Felipe and we started the relationship. He from León – but working in Barcelona – I from Palencia, from Catalonia to home, from León, stayed in Palencia, and we had to strengthen the relationship and got married in 1972”. Married, they were able to move the destination and, optionally, settled in Gijón.
Felipe Suárez Delgado was born in León (Spain), but his parents were Asturians and, on the other hand, the whole family was closer to Palencia than in Barcelona. “Our two sons were born in Gijón and it was there that he took a new destination. We had no people from Palencia, but among the possible destinations was Zestoa, and with the arrival of that people our father gave us his heart to go there”, because Valentina’s father was there working, as we said before, and knew the people. He accompanied several neighbours and all of them members of the Astilleros-Izeta family from the Koiote bar. “And with the help of our father, we brought the whole family to Zestoa to see the people.” And they saw it, and there they got to work and live.
“My father said the civil
guards were hiding to realize!
Marian Astilleros Izeta
But Valentina's father was worried. “Our father was afraid that the post office and telegraphs were next to the civilian guard’s headquarters. “Be careful,” he said, “It can’t happen that someone, ETA, or you attack them, and they hurt you!” That is what I was saying. And in the end Philip was killed by the Civil Guard,” says Valentina Pérez Saiz.
The Suárez Pérez family was easily incorporated into Zestoa's life. Valentina Pérez Saiz still says: “They welcomed us very well in Zestoa. He had two young children, Felipe and Noelia, three and two years old. The course started, but there they welcomed Philip. Noelia was with me at home [Santa Cruz 5, 3. izda. ], and I remember I had two very nice neighborhoods; one was named Manoli, I don't remember the other. “Aunt,” our children told them.” Valentina Pérez has another memory: “Our boy, Felipe, suffered some discomfort and I took him to the doctor. We were officials, we didn't have social security, but the doctor didn't have a problem taking care of us. We didn’t do much time at Zestoa, but I think they wanted us a lot.” Here's Valentina Pérez.
And from November 20, the water made its way for four months, until April 10, 1976.
No control of the Civil Guard Felipe Suarez Delgado and Federico Astilleros became Lagun
mami. They both left work always or in most cases. In it, the official will always have a destination. There is Herrera, head of palentine telegraphs. The Suárez Delgado family, at the request of Felipe Suárez Delgado, was left empty on the spot. Get a place. Two friends had to say hello. On Monday, April 12, 1976, Felipe Suarez Delgado joined the office of Herrera Pisuerga.
In the same week Valentina Pérez Saiz carried out the transfer to Palencia with her two children, with her sister on the verge of giving birth and her husband on the return of Palencia.
On Saturday, the two friends invented greeting and, without Zestoa, opted for the Zarautz area, because Astilleros apparently had to lay off his friend until a moment.
When returning to Zestoa, at 21:30 pm, according to the insurance company, the Civil Guard shots killed Felipe Suárez Delgado and injured Federico Astilleros Ocaña.
The next morning, his wife, Valentina Pérez Saiz, received a phone call from her parents in Palencia. Remember: “We received the call in the morning, but I don’t know who called because it was our father who received it. They told him that Philip suffered a traffic accident. And we took the car and we were the father, the brother-in-law and the three. We received our brother Luis in Vitoria, who worked in his telegraph office, and we went to the Red Cross of San Sebastian.” They arrived at noon, with a hypothetical “traffic accident” and Felipe’s state of health out of his head. “And get to the Red Cross, and the civilian guards dressed on the street up there and down here. And the doctor came to us, explaining how he is and: "You know what it was like? ', 'The traffic accident, apparently.' ‘No, no, civil guards have shot.’ We stayed in stone and cold. Incredible… They shot the car where Philip and Fe traveled, put a bullet in their head to Philip, the shrapnel exploded in the brain. Since then he did not return to his instinct and, although he had lived, he would never have healed, the doctor told us. And yet, when I left the room, when I grabbed my hand, I took mine harshly, to the point of harming myself.” The following day Felipe Suarez Delgado died. “I know that the head of the telegraphs of San Sebastian [Juan Etxeberria Puig, supposedly] went to whom the Civil Guard presided, [Antonio] Tejero, who then struck the coup on February 23 [1981] and told him the black donkey and two.” Valentina Pérez Saiz keeps him in his memory. Felipe Suárez Delgado's body was introduced into the zinc box, making efforts to take him to Palencia.
“When I went to my husband [Felipe Suarez] to the room, when I took my hand, he took mine very well, until it hurt
me” Valentina Pérez
In Zestoa Mass was said for the deceased with the present body. They say that, sincerely or falsely, they also placed an ikurrina on the coffin, which the widow also ordered its removal... He was later transferred to Palencia.
Valentina Pérez Saiz spent the following days in anguish and nervousness, a refugee at her parents' house in Palencia. There he would live, together with two children, until he was able to work. “[Telegraphs] I had prepared the oppositions, made them and passed them. I went to Barcelona, but because I had young children, I was allowed to work in Palencia on secondment.” And there, when the Civil Guard had killed her husband, she drove the car when she “jumped out” control.
Meanwhile, Fe Astilleros was wounded, alive and witness.
And about the event, the Sky Light of the time gave only an official truth.
Kontxi Izeta, daughter of bar Koiote, is a widow of
Federico Astilleros, witness Federico Astilleros. Start without asking: “The newspaper did not bring the truth. The civil guards then said there was control, but no control! That is what our man said, that if there was control they would stay, that they had nothing to hide… Poor, that Philip died!”, says Izeta, wanting that black spring night: “Our man was not an amateur late, but that day I was waiting and waiting, and the man was not coming, and late! Weird, I thought. And one day I wait and wait, and out of noise, or motion, and I go out to the balcony and where I see my sister who lived very closely, and our brother in the street. “What’s happened here!” I called my sister from the balcony and came home, and the next morning, earlier, my brother picked up the car and took me to San Sebastian and told me what happened.” In the Old Town, on the Red Cross on Matía Street, Kontxi Izeta saw several patients, all in a large room. His man and his best friend were involved. Federico Astilleros had a bullet wound in his arm.
Felipe Suarez Delgado was seriously injured: “And I saw that I was still alive because I didn’t die suddenly, but the next day. She had her head blindfolded, she had seizures and she was tied to bed... It was terrible. I saw him alive, and also dead, and if I don't want to see her! They shot him in the head and burst into the bullet! The civil guards did not expel him... & '97; Mugs, therefore, to the root, that no one should stay. But no, they threw him up, and our man was also shot by his arm. And the grace, moreover, that our man made the steering wheel to the right, if not the two fell by the slope… There they also had it, on the Red Cross, because they had to operate to pull the bullet out of the arm.” Federico Astilleros barely did the week at the Red Cross in San Sebastian, but not at the great break.
Kontxi Izeta recalls: “On Sunday morning at the Red Cross I along with Fe, and the civil guards told me that our man had to declare. I didn't, I just had surgery, I wasn't at all, I wasn't at all. However, they: ‘He must declare, he must say there was control’. ‘No, our man will not get out of bed to say it. First he says there was no control there. He had no reason to stop. Tell us! How will he say there was control!’ And our bed men: ‘There was no control, there was nothing.’ ‘Yes, there was,’ civil guards. ‘No, I wasn’t, and I can’t say yes, because if there was control we would have stayed.’ The Civil Guard made control the key to the problem.
That week the civil guards moved again and again in Astillero. The witness is Kontxi Izeta: “They took him to a room, and I went with her! ‘You can’t get in!’ the civil guards told me, but I didn’t go back either: ‘Yes, yes, I will come in, the man is operated and of course I will come in. I will not speak, but I will see myself!’ Izeta's daring. “Have to be brave!” he says. And in that interrogation, always, with control ... Only Zeruko Argia brought the truth.” Izeta said that.
The weekend following the death of Felipe Suárez Delgado, when Astilleros returned to Zestoa, he was buried in Palencia.La the Astilleros-Izeta family in Zestoa, the evil done on
10 April 1976 and, in general, the distance, interrupted the relationship between the two families. “They came from Zestoa, and that’s it, we lost the mark of that family,” says Kontxi Izeta.
The victim
died in 1997, according to his daughter Marian, Federico Astilleros Ocaña. A very special time, when the victims, influenced by ETA as a whole, took on a different role, since several associations were strongly linked to the work. And in that, Marian Astilleros had to receive the protest from his mother. “Victims? Here are many victims! Here they are all victims! She also [widow of Felipe Suárez Delgado] was the sky above and the earth below. What do we know about them? We had to look for that family!’ ‘But mom, where do I have to start looking?’ ‘For others seek them! We will also look for them!’ Here was Kontxi Izeta, mother of Marian Astilleros, 91 years old today. And her mother fears and Marian Astilleros Izeta has been searching for the family of Felipe Suárez Delgado to fulfill his mother's assignment.
She left, Marian threw herself into the other. “Asking for Philip’s death certificate, the family was starting to enter, we wrote the letters here and some of their addresses appeared to us, a phone appeared to us… On holiday we went to Castile, when we went to Palencia, we asked myself and my husband!” Discouraging, insignificant result. The years followed, regardless of the mother's theme and instinct: “We had to look for that family!”
“The government employee wrote to me that nowhere did Felipe’s news appear, ‘as if he had swallowed land’, but he was not willing to give in’
Marian Astilleros
Marian Astilleros recalls that in 2016 the Basque Parliament passed the Law on Victims of Police Abuse. The law was based on the recognition of human rights violations suffered between 1976 and 1999 and on the reparation of the victims. However, the Government of Spain appealed and provisionally suspended certain provisions of the rule before the Spanish Constitutional Court. In the following year, the Government of Madrid and the Government agreed: The government would change the law in exchange for Madrid to strip away the appeal. Therefore, in full force of the new law, Marian Astilleros completed the necessary procedures and recognized the victim to Federico Astilleros Ocaña.
But it was not enough, the sangria was the family of the late Felipe Suarez Delgado, and so Marian Astilleros said when he could: “In addition to explaining that our father was shot before the government by the Civil Guard, we said that the family of the late Philip had to be sought. ‘Yes, but that’s very difficult… Where to start searching?’ we were told in the government. We also knew it was difficult, because we had been in it for several years.” However, they did not stop looking for it, but they explored it there and here.
Marian Astilleros had already trusted Marian Sanchez, a technique of the Basque Government: “And I began to say without fear that something had to be done and that something had to be done. I started as well, like our mother! Kar, kar… He once wrote to me that there was no news of Philip [Suarez Delgado], ‘as if he had swallowed the land’, but he also told me that he was not willing to give in.” Until it started to clear. “One day, [April 30, 2016], my sister called me, I read a story in the newspaper, saying that they honored Anjel Berazadi and Felipe Suárez in Zarautz. I paste and scanned the news and sent it directly to the government. We told Mariano [Sánchez], but they say they didn't know Zarautz's tribute. It was an initiative of the Zarautz City Hall. I, stone, yet.” And days later, Marian Astilleros received an appeal from the government, which was a tribute in Zarautz, but that there was no family of Felipe Suárez Delgado, even that they had no relationship.
“I received a call from the Basque Government informing and did not react. I think I did a minute in silence, I didn’t know what they were doing
to me” Felipe Suárez Pérez
Marian Sanchez of the Basque Government and Marian Shipyards of Zestoa did not intend to resign. The Earth continued to seek the ingested: “Marian from the government asked me for Felipe’s death certificate. There, the last address was León. ‘In Leo it would also have changed a lot since then… Although I will make some calls,’ he said, and I said: ‘Sure, then. Much better than you call on behalf of the government than I do on behalf of another. They will give you more consideration.” And this is what Marian Astilleros tells us: “Later, Marian of the government told me that he called a house of culture of León, that he spoke to an old man, that he was going to go to the street that appeared on the death certificate, that he called me Lolo or his name, that had something to hear… Days later I received the call from the government. He went to that street, who had looked at the mailboxes, even sounding the bell and contacted Felipe Mara's sister. He gave the phone of Philip’s son to Mariana of the Government.” And this, of course, called Felipe Suárez Pérez, the son of the deceased. It was 2018.
The Suárez Pérez family in Valladolid and Palencia
is Felipe Suarez Pérez, the largest son of Felipe Suárez Delgado, who died in Zarautz. It received a call from the Basque Government: “And I got the call and I didn’t react. I think I did a minute in silence, I didn’t know what I was saying.” After forty years, a government – that of the CAV, not that of the Spanish Government – was going to say that his father was murdered by the Civil Guard. Felipe Suárez, son of Delgado, received a promise in the call: “Victims of police violence, recognition, compensation… I don’t know what they told me.” However, he noticed. Talk to your sisters. “And what’s going!”, mothers, “How are you going to act on that? ! After so many years! How are you going to start saying that our man, your father, was wrongly killed!” Soon, Felipe Suarez Pérez of Marian Astilleros received a new call. They talked a lot, yes, really, Astilleros reported the law to Suarez Pérez, the sons of two old friends who agreed to see.
From reception, you almost know. Felipe Suárez Delgado's family followed the steps ordered by the Basque Government and recognized the deceased as a victim.
At the event held on 26 June 2021 in the Euskalduna Palace, 35 people who had suffered human rights violations were honoured and recognized as victims.
Felipe Suarez Delgado, shot dead by the Civil Guard in Zarautz in 1976, was wounded in the same act to Federico Astilleros Ocaña. The months of 2019, 1976, received the reparation and recognition of the Basque Government.
* * * * * * *
Valentina Pérez Saiz (Widow of Felipe Suarez Delgado)
The Civil Guard never accepted that he was wrong. Yes, Fraga [Iribarne, Spanish Home Minister in his day] gave me condolences, but it didn't work, the Civil Guard killed my husband and went ahead with the help of my parents. I have never received the support of the victims, neither for my children to study nor at all. Other victims have had multiple support... I have received the state's minimum pension, EUR 300, because my husband was an official for 9 years, and they also told him the years of military service, if not, either. I have always told my children that their father was murdered by the Civil Guard, I have always said so and above all everyone. I told people ‘There was no control’ and some questioned: ‘...They did not stop...’, and I: ‘I told you there was no control!’ Philip and Fed had nothing to hide. Also in the trunk of the car, Philip had a lot of potatoes to bring from Zestoa to Palencia.” And something else that Valentina Pérez has put in his head his children, not to take civil guard as promised or his children. Her mother's order is strict.
Felipe Suarez Pérez (Son)
“When I was growing up at school, we were asked what my father was working, I was told that I had no father, that they killed him, and the teacher used to ask no more than that. My parents told me that my father died in an accident, and my mother never welcomed the two relatives and told us everything raw. Somehow, and little by little, we've known the truth. I remember once my father's golden ring appeared to me at home and the ring had dried blood inside. I haven’t forgotten anything.” There's something you won't forget in life. Philip's mother, Valentina and her sister Noelia, never returned to Euskal Herria, until the act of Bilbao in 2019 recognized the victim Suarez Delgado. Felipe Suarez Pérez, for his part, came. “I was in San Sebastian with my girlfriend and then in Zarautz. There we were [2016], in the newspaper, a story, [Anjel] honored Berazadi and our father. How was that possible? I didn't understand. ‘This means something,’ I thought, but that’s where the question remained, until next year.
Noelia Suarez Pérez (Daughter)
“If Fed had not testified, we would never have known the truth. What then did the media broadcast? That they ‘skipped’ the control of the Civil Guard, that they did not stop. But there was no control. In 2000, my husband and I, who are lawyers, completed the report and sent it to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior to consider our father as a victim. They sent us to the pit. They replied that no, that it did not correspond to us, that the law was aimed at ‘acts provoked by people who are part of an armed group’ and that it was not our case. If the case had been accepted, this would have meant, in some way, accepting that the Civil Guard was an armed band – and perhaps the terrorist –. Until in 2016 the Basque Government passed the law on police abuse [the current law on violations of human rights by the state], our father was not considered a victim. He is currently the victim of Felipe Suárez [Delgado], but only in the Basque Country. In the rest of the Spanish state, our father is not a victim. And thanks always to Marian [Izeta Shipyards], who thanks to his work the Basque Government localized us and we were able to process the request. Otherwise, nothing.” They do not recognize that the Civil Guard made a mistake”, as Felipe Suarez Delgado and Federico Astilleros said in an improper time, in an improper place, received collateral damage, as Noelia Suárez told us.
Kontxi Izeta (Shipyard Widow)
Philip's son finally came to Zestoa and then to Valentina. I said to that lady: 'How has it taken so long to come back here? What did you have? Fear? Shame?’ I and she asked. ‘I don’t know what I had’… That [Zarautz] was sad!” Message from Kontxi Izeta: “The truths must be explained. Surely not only Felipe and our man were the ones who took shots in control, but also more. We must bear in mind all of them, because the blame has been on the one hand and on the other. Otherwise, peace will never be done.” Kontxi Izeta doubts whether peace will ever be achieved.
Marian Astilleros Izeta (Daughter)
Marian Astilleros was ten years old when Zarautz happened… “My father said the civil guards were hidden, because he realized! He had heard that he had Philip's head against his shoulder, that he had made the steering wheel to the other side, because otherwise they would fall towards the freeway." When we had to speak to the table that the government created for this issue, for example, we met Manuela Carmena, who was a member of the Government’s victim designation committee. He promised us he would try the path of Ferrol [Military Atxibategi] to get the file. He tried, made the steps and called us. ‘Marian, I haven’t got the dossier of your case, it seems to be classified’. That goes on!”, complaint by Marian Astilleros. The answers given by the family doctor did not correspond to the health situation of Suárez Delgado, but to Federico Astilleros, his companion. The part was made months after the check.
* * * * * * *
However, two documents indirectly support the Zarautz incident at Meaga. The first is the notification by the insurance company Hispania, a common practice, apparently, but totally scandalous.
This communication concerns the “accident” of 10 April 1976. The insurance contractor is Felipe Suarez Delgado, who also answers the questions. But that was absolutely impossible, because he had a bullet inside his head, the shrapnel broke out his brain, and ultimately, Suarez Delgado never regained consciousness!
And on the other hand, on the occasion of the 10 April accident, this notification or part of the insurer is 26 July of the same year!
The insurance part has no head, but manipulation...
They started with the following answers in the wound's mouth. And we remember it better: the shooting took place in April, while the insurance part is July, when Felipe Suarez Delgado had been dead for three months.
On the one hand, Felipe Suarez Delgado asks those who have hired insurance.
“Question: What time did the accident occur? Answer: 9.30 a.m.”
“Question: What caused the accident? Answer: As a result of a Civil Guard shooting, the bullet was put in his head and then the car moved to a wall and the driver died, and he who was next to her was injured.” On the other hand, in the same part of the insurer, we have questions to
the family doctor:
“1. Question: When did they call him to heal the injured? Answer: At 11.30 a.m. on 10 April 1976.”
“2. Question, a) What pain or deregulation did the injured person have? Answer: Pain in the left arm and
wounds.” “2. b) What objective symptoms have you observed during the first visit? Answer: Gunshot wound to the left arm.”
“2. (c) Question: What diagnosis has you made? Answer: Wounds caused by a bullet that has not gone into the trizeps muscle and the anterior and posterior sides of the left arm muscle.”
“3. Question: (a) Is the injury suffered by the injured person only a result of the accident? Answer: Yes.”
3. b) Have the injured detected anatomical alterations or diseases not resulting from the accident? Answer: No.”
“4. Question: (a) Is there a risk of death by accident? Answer: No.”
“4. (b) Or can it have permanent, total or partial invalidity? Answer: No.” “4.
c) Or, on the contrary, is it thought to be completely healed? Answer: Yes.”
“5. Question: (a) Is the injured person obliged to be at home? Answer: He's in the
hospital." 5. b) Do injuries prevent you from doing your job? Answer: Totally.”
“6. Question: Probable duration of disability? Answer: 80 days”.
“7. Question: What steps have you taken to heal yourself? Answer: Surgical intervention for bullet extraction and surgical wound cleaning”. “7.
(b) Where is the injured person? Answer: He is discharged.” The signatories
are Valentina Pérez Saiz – B.A. (Signed by Orden) and José María Odriozola as a family doctor. Local days: Donostia-San Sebastián, 26 July 1976, three months after the shooting, as indicated above.
Round claim against the insurer: Felipe Suarez Delgado was not able to speak, could not declare nada.Las
answers given by the family doctor did not correspond to the health situation of Suárez Delgado, but to Federico Astilleros, accompanying him.
The part was made months after the check.
* * * * * * *
Celestial light: "One, Rudo and another Wounded"
On 10 April, in the evening, two of our fellow citizens were shot by car in the Zarautz area. The neighbors were Felipe Suárez, who worked at the Post Office, and Federico Astilleros “Rubio”, settled in Zestoa.
A couple of days later, Philip gave his last breath at the Red Cross in San Sebastian. As they had just started and were very slow they saw nothing, but they heard the shots and suffered them in the body.
The chronicle has no signature, but was written by Manuel Arrangi. In the same chronicle, brief news about the cultural month that will take place in May in Zestoa and then the next line “A provocation”.
Zeruko Argia, 1976, May 2, number 686. Zestoa
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2008an Fernando Grande Marlaska epailearen aginduz atxilotu zutenean Ibai Azkonak pairatu zituen torturak aitortu ditu Nafarroako Gobernuak. Euskalerria Irratian, pauso honek suposatzen duena azaldu du Azkonak.