The Male World Cup starts in Qatar. The death of thousands of works that have been building signs of corruption, stadiums and other infrastructures, persecution of women and the LGBTI collective, environmental impact, censorship, disruption of the football calendar... Not everything is gold in elite football.
There is plenty of reason to oppose the World Cup and, in general, to denounce the direction that elite sport has chosen during these years. On 2 December 2010, FIFA announced that the 2022 edition was to be held in Qatar and since then, even before, it has shown without shame what its best path has been.
In 2008, the United Arab Emirates ADUG Investment Fund acquired the Manchester City football team; in 2011, QSI from Qatar sponsored supercups from Paris Saint-Germain, Spain and Italy in the United Arab Emirates, sponsored by the company Qatar Airways in clubs such as PSG, Barcelona and Bayern from Munich. And beyond football, since 2016-17 cyclist groups Bahrain and UAE Emirates are at the highest level, in 2022 has created the professional circuit Liv Golf, the public investment fund of Saudi Arabia, the entrepreneur Nasser Al Khelaifi, owner of the PSG television channel and beIN Sports, has created the Augmoto Pag circuit in Carrgp. We could stretch everything we want.
Automotive skills are a good indicator to understand which economy seeks to increase its influence capacity through sport and achieve better positioning on the geopolitical map. And over the years we've been seeing that petromers are one of the major fuels, derived from the profits of multinationals like Saudi Aramco and Qatar Petroleum. All this shows the real match that will be played these days in Qatar, a country that has become the most important player in the gas market due to the crisis in Ukraine. And those who will come: The 2029 Asian Winter Games will be held in Qatar and has already announced its intention to take the Winter Olympics in the future.
The above have led to protests by many social players, sportsmen and football club fans, and I get the impression that at the basis of the movement against the World Cup in Qatar, beyond the holding of a dictatorship, there is a anger over the direction that elite sport has taken. “Sport cannot be politicized,” said French President Emmanuel Macron last week when he was asked about the World Cup. They believe that the citizens are sluggish, that with the excuse of football they are going to make goals for us constantly. It is true that we have given them reasons for this, but ...
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Futbolaren erritmora biziko da Qatar ondoko asteetan. Lehen aldia da arabiar erresuma batek Mundial bat antolatzen duela, eta egia da polemika handia sortu zuela Qatar hautatua izan zelarik mundiala antolatzeko.
Paola Schietekat mexikarrak, Qatarreko Munduko Futbol Koparen antolaketan lanean ziharduela (2021ean), salatu zuen gizon batek eraso egin ziola Qatarren. Bera zigortu zuten, ordea.
Raúl Zibechi idazle uruguaiarra Munduko Koparen testuinguru sozio-politikoari buruz mintzo da webguneak maiatzaren 6an plazaratutako elkarrizketan. 'Brasil potencia' liburuaren egilea militarizazioaz, errepresioaz, gentrifikazioaz,... [+]
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Every now and then, while I'm doing something in the kitchen, I'm turning on Euskadi Irratia, early in the morning. Last day, two stories were crossed in the comments of the informants and Tertullians: the first, published by the newspaper The Guardian on February 23: “More than... [+]
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