Until I got in and I feel, I haven't realized that the actors are already on stage. They work in badminton under a green light. With the humility I have read of the show, I have the feeling that there will be a lot of performance, and at the moment it seems like this. I've just come to see The Mountain at the Main Theater and I'm the youngest, certainly. The beginning of the show was announced on one of the three screens of the stage: “We released the play before the Russian invasion began. However, we have decided to keep it.” Um, I don't know what to think.
The Mountain
De: Group Mr Serrano
WHEN: 10 November
WHERE:Teatro Principal (Vitoria)
“What’s true? Or rather, what isn’t true?” One of them asks us. Then, the second suspicion is fulfilled, the action will be in English. Despite the truth and the lie. Badminton wants to make the hand believe no, he's making baseball. And that she's not a woman, but Putin. That the 1924 Everest expedition by George Mallory is a journey in search of truth.
Rather than theatrical, it is a performance that performs live recordings. The mini darts are filmed with drone camera and the actors perform special effects with smoke or foam spray, with great coordination, to be seen in three simultaneous viewpoints. In addition, they have other resources: a body in the snow, P.A. A radio show inspired by the book The War of the Worlds of Wells, images of Nepal in the 1920s, which talks about the cards, of Putin's head, and hundreds of references that we could consider absurd. They've also told us an experiment that consisted of giving fake news on their web and making money. They've compared it to the radio show that used to be radio, today the Internet.
Faces news and overstimulation. Imperialism and the need to conquer everything. Those are the threads that I have understood. But the truth is, G. I lost myself on the climb to Mt. Mallory. A mountain has swelled in the middle of the taboo: Everest as a representation of truth. I have felt that I lack a couple of readings or that they lack some elements to clarify what they want to convey. Maybe the goal is for the viewer to feel like this? And what then do the references of Putin and another moral tone come to?
Then I was asked how he was. I don't know. I'm like that emoji that has my mouth tilted laterally. I found it visual incredible, although ideologically it has squeezed me. It's not that I'm against it, I just haven't caught it.
Mirari Martiarena and Idoia Torrealdai.
When: 6 December.
Where: In the San Agustín cultural center of Durango.
The fourth wall breaks and interferes directly, standing and fearless. ZtandaP is a way of counting... [+]
Mirari Martiarena and Idoia Torrealdai.
When: 6 December.
Where: In the San Agustín cultural center of Durango.
The fourth wall breaks and interferes directly, standing and fearless. ZtandaP is a way of counting from... [+]
We're in chaos. That has been said to us by the French media, which Parliament has brought down the government on 4 December. The fear that political, institutional, social, economic chaos will rage us all in the horde of hell comes to our veins. What comedy we're going to play... [+]
Fight and metamorphosis of a woman
By: Eneko Sagardoy and Vito Rogado.
WHEN: 1 December.
WHERE: Serantes Room of Santurtzi.
Immediately after proposing the plan, the person who decided to buy the tickets online... [+]
Text and address: Agurtzane Intxaurraga.
Actors: Look at Gaztañaga, Iñake Irastorza, Jabi Barandiaran.
When and where: 25 October, Gazteszena (Donostia).
To the flower that is looking for its own light, being grasped at its... [+]
MIÑA Artedrama. Equipment: Sambou Diaby, Ander Lipus, Eihara Irazusta, Mikel Kaye.
WHERE: Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao.
NO: 25 October.
Ibrahima balde and AMETS Arzallus counted in Basque in Miñán in 2019. Five years later... [+]
I started to mentally write my article while I was in the car. I usually have the best ideas in the car while driving alone. I'm going to Bilbao, to the Arriaga theater. The Artedrama company is today staging the Miñan play. It's Friday, October 25.
Approaching the atrium of the... [+]