Itziar, Dani and Xan receive eleven musicians at the top of Larhun, at home. The soloists and members of different groups met with a clear goal: on 30 October they offered a joint performance in the Lur Berri room in Sara, which would close the Lost Maps festival. What they didn't know was that they went much further, entered as musicians and left their family after sharing the roof for a week between Peio, Nahia, Gartxot, Paxkal, Maia, Alan, Kamille, Jonas, Felix, Anne-Lise and Xabi.
Mugarri 25
(Lost Maps) WHEN:
30 October
WHERE:Lur Berri (Sara)
Tarta Relena and Herman Düne have also been on such a rare Sunday. Three performances, quite out of style. I don't know if the difference between Iparralde and Hego Euskal Herria is the best, but a few steps later I see the Iparralde festivals that I know in relation to the musical offer. See which festival of the South dares to schedule as different as these three groups at the same time. And to see which city or town people are approaching to see all three, to know or not.
The day has darkened in Sara to finish the first two performances, and the room that is much hotter than the street has forced us all who were sitting. There is a desire to hear what the taboos have prepared for a week. Already known, it was known that quality was going to be guaranteed, but from the beginning they have been able to create a magical atmosphere with the help of sound and light technicians. It is good to know the crosses between different musical worlds, and the most beautiful thing is that at those crosses you can see what each one of them distinguishes. See that each one has its place. Whether in Basque, English or instrumental. Both versions and original songs.
I want groups singing to all participants (or most). And if besides singing it does with symptoms, bass, drums, keyboard, guitar, saxo, viola, cello or three or four of them, well, let's not say. But I know that many Paxkal Irigoyen can't be in the world. Good always in limited quantity.
I have to admit that I liked some songs because they were interpreters, that if others had played it would not look like anything else. But there have been others, especially one, that have entered me inside without asking for permission. It wasn't long past me. You see in the morning the version of the song has made me obsessed. I'm still there.
I also want a Lur Berri room in my city. I also want some of the organizers of Usopop nearby. And if I ever have children, these people would like to sing around their crib. And who not?
Lagunarteko ekimen bat izateko asmoz sortu zen jaialdia, dagoeneko maiatzeko azken asteburuko hitzordu finkoa bilakatu da. Hala, aurten bederatzigarren aldiz, maiatzaren 26an eta 27an Usopop Festibala eginen da.
Hemen da Usopop festibalaren zazpigarren edizioa. Larunbat honetan (maiatzak 28) eginen da Saran, Lizarrieta mendian.
Usopop festibala. Non: Sara (Lizarrieta). Noiz: maiatzak 30. Sarrera: 10 euro. Informazio gehiago:
Maiatzaren 30ean da hitzordua, Sarako Lizarrietan. Usopop festibalaren 6. edizioan zein musikari ariko diren aurreratu dute aste honetan.
Barbarossa talde britainairrak eta Mursegok fededun eta fedegabe andana bildu zuten igandean Sarako Santa Katalina kaperan, musika berrien eta ama lurraren izenean, amen.
Gauza polita antolatzen ari dira Saran duela zenbait urtetik: laugarren edizioa zuen Usopop jaialdiak joan den larunbatean. Jarraian han entzundako kontzertuen kronika.
Usopop, Sarako (Lapurdi) Lizarreta mendatean musika berriak eta amalurra uztartzen dituen jaialdia ospatuko da datorren larunbatean. Hirugarren edizio honetan, Ruper Ordorika oñatiarra zuzenean ikusteko aukera izango da, ingurune berezian. Berarekin batera, Rover... [+]