The images that the metal sector strike has left in Bizkaia in the last two weeks are once again spectacular. There are those who talk about the end of the labor struggle, nostalgia for the Euskalduna times, but the reality is that the number of labor conflicts in Euskal Herria has been growing year after year and the results, although more limited, are there. Most of the agreements signed to protect working conditions have been the result of the labour struggle. But not all struggles have the same echo.
Workers in nursing homes, mostly women, continue to fight, strike and go out on the street. Although without the agreement between unions and by different means of mobilization, there are conflicts in all countries in the area of care.
And in the context of all this difficult struggle to find in the main lines, we have seen a study that has been carried out in Lakua and that the Basque Government has wanted to keep among four parliamentary walls: COVID-19 killed more in homes with fewer workers. Research shows that the ratios that rightly denounce women who have been fighting for years directly affected the number of deaths.
Without being able to resist crying, one worker answered by asking about the research: “With pain they felt dizzy screaming, they were pooping, they needed to feed… When they needed us the most, I was the only worker in the whole shift to take care of 31 people. It was impossible.” We do not have to go to Madrid to denounce that in the nursing homes a business was put ahead of the health of the elderly who had to be cared for, here we have the possibility of going out to the street with the surveillance staff.
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