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Don't get tired on the favorite plain

30 October 2022
Lautada | Mice | Forbidden Colours, 2020
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

"Here, as a revelation, space and time look clearer." Look at Narbaiza come back and thank you. Narbaiza is one of the most special singers on the scene. There is no more to see how new songs govern.

Because for most creators, what we do is the shadow of what we've done once. Improving or getting worse, but in the shadow of that. Narbaiza, after moving away from Napoka Iria, from the beautiful project, appears with a special and beautiful album: Mice.

Well, without having to repeat the same path, in the same line, but Lautada is a totally different album. In 2019 he published Zilar printza overcoming it and golden arrangements.

In Japan, broken ceramic pots are repaired with powdered gold by the quintsugi technique. This gold has, from there, Narbaiza returns from the silence of the long months, with songs more elaborate than ever. Because this disc is the production of this disc. For that you have to have good songs, but they all go in very different directions, in the underground of rock, and all at once, to the same goal.

Look in the song the fiery riffs made by saxophones and winds enrich the imagery, for example, but without marking the line of more. In the live there are no winds, and the song dances the same. So what does the song do? Narbaiza has been hidden by Joseba Baleztena and Ibaia Gogortza, and the philosophy of working sound, not folding the way.

I would say that the song contains a sentence that is in a creative process, even if no one watches. Of course you can read more generically. But I would say that in this album, the doubts, obstacles and difficulties involved in being a musician and a woman enter most of the letters.

Because Miren's letter is like this; a garment illuminates the text, but you won't find fair claims. The plain song changes the most. You also have to sing to love occasionally, what a panic.

Narbaiza comes back and without a guitar in her hand becomes queen on stage. We rarely see someone dancing like this. Because naturalness comes from elsewhere. Creativity is infinite within our brain, and those who continue to explore it clarify the direction. "In this brain there is no room for language / On this floor there is no room for old language".

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