Salman al Nabahin, a peasant on the Gaza list, discovered that some olive trees in his land did not grow properly. Along with his son, he begins digging under these trees in search of the problem and meets a beautiful Byzantine mosaic of 1,300-1,500 years ago, a piece about 30 square meters representing the animals and kept in perfect condition.
In the words of the archaeologist Réné Elter, “Palaestina Secunda is the richest mosaic found in the Byzantine province”, while for Salman “it is more than a treasure and is not personal but of all Palestinians”.
Palestina, mediatikoki aurkeztua ez den bezala, aipatu zen joan den larunbatean Makean, mintzaldi, tailer, merkatu eta kontzertuen bidez.
The Israeli imperialist offensive has entered a new phase: bombings in Yemen, Lebanon and Syria; attacks on Iran; attempted invasion of Lebanon… The Zionists have achieved an old goal: Go beyond Palestine and turn the attack into a regional war.
The increase in the offensive... [+]