The search, the continuous search for a path, implies discovering what we do not want or expect. An artist should feed this appetizing search if he wants to keep his spirit alive. Your career is also going to need a big head office. Looking for new ways, uncovering and expanding your perception is the symptom of a living artist. Moving away from conformism, not repeating the formula, in short. The appetite and passion for creation must be the motors of their activity. Mikel Ruiz Pejenaut has produced Buru-Buru-Sakona, buru eta bihotz. Header! the exhibition is within the Eremuak programme and the Casa de Cultura de Zalla.
Exhibition 'Piedras'
WHEN: September 16 - October 16: Casa
de Cultura de Zalla
The truth is that the place is not the most appropriate, but Mikel has worked naively to overcome physical barriers and take forward the exhibition with the work of four artists. One of them is Adrian Romero. A young graphic designer, who likes to play with digital to create a new imaginary with images and shapes. In these negative times of new normality, Adrián tries to imagine another reality to imagine a new world with the few remaining realities after breaking the past into pieces. If our civilization has followed the path marked by a cross over the past 2,000 years, Adrian proposes new elements loaded with symbolism to create our immediate future. Of all the works he has exposed, he focuses on a three-dimensional keyboard, in the form of a hand, consisting of keys filled with unknown symbols. It seems that to draw the future we have to forget the old formulas and press new keys. We could say that the new imaginary he proposes has aroused people's curiosity, as there were three people fascinated by the structures and images that were projected around an old screen on the ground, only in the state of hypnosis that can generate a fire.
Another artist who has participated in the exhibition is the plentian Matxalen Oñate. The exhibition has selected several sculptures that nest from tradition but transgress new paths. Both shapes and décor are of great importance in these pieces carved in stone. It follows force and sensuality. Eider García Lete has given a touch of magic to the exhibition dressing the space with its fabric and taking it to another dimension. Although someone might think he's too naive, he adds a magic point to the room. Finally, the work of Gorka Lazpiur has made it clear that failed works can be a starting point for finding new roads, with a head start.
Behin batean, gazterik, gidoi nagusia betetzea egokitu zitzaion. Elbira Zipitriaren ikasle izanak, ikastolen mugimendu berriarekin bat egin zuen. Irakasle izan zen artisau baino lehen. Gero, eskulturgile. Egun, musika jotzen du, bere gogoz eta bere buruarentzat. Eta beti, eta 35... [+]
On Monday afternoon, I had already planned two documentaries carried out in the Basque Country. I am not particularly fond of documentaries, but Zinemaldia is often a good opportunity to set aside habits and traditions. I decided on the Pello Gutierrez Peñalba Replica a week... [+]
I get contradictions in art competitions. On the one hand, they place artists and works of art within the dynamics of competitiveness, leaving aside the transformative and collective character of art and placing them within the mercantilist logics, but it cannot sometimes be... [+]
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In the Plaza de los Fueros de Vitoria-Gasteiz there is a new metal sculpture that welcomes the exhibition of Nestor Basterretxea (Bermeo, 1924 – Hondarribia, 2014). The exhibition brings together more than 300 works created by artists from different areas, such as posters,... [+]