The book I'm going to present to you today is one of the dozens of books that bell hooks wrote, Feminism is everybody's stuff. Political passion. You will think that I just made a spelling mistake on the previous lines and that, in addition, it is not especially feminist to write the name in small print. She chose to take her grandmother's name and use tiny letters to differentiate herself from her and give importance to what she said and not to herself. A lesson in humility.
You only have to read the index to know that there are many issues that affect you. They are very varied and interesting: “For those of you always!”, you will say some, “we’ve got bored with feminist theory.” Yes, there are always issues – awareness, fraternity, education, body and reproductive rights, beauty…. But there are also less frequent issues (elimination of violence, feminist masculinity, lesbianism and feminism, feminist spirituality, etc. ). The author crosses the class and the race does not reject it either. Although Angela Davis is the most well-known reference in our country, Hooks’ contribution is important because it is lively, challenging and critical.
Hooks wanted to make a book for everyone as feminism is everyone's stuff. For those who want to start, it has its virtues: it uses the history of feminism to situate the issues and contextualize what happened. Her trajectory is based on her vital experience, as she lived the historical moment she counts. As for style, it is correct and clear, with no winners. But those who know a lot about feminism will also find new approaches and learning lines. It can be uncomfortable because it doesn't show the feminism of merchandising, it poses it as a deep political choice, and it can drag some of the pillars that we have strong.
Despite reading it to taste, it requires inactivity. What to think and what to think. It is appropriate to give its rhythm and its tempo to enjoy reading.
In 2018 he published Katakrak, a good time, an outbreak of the feminist movement and we began to create feminist works in Basque literature and to translate other classics. Hooks died in 2021, but wrote over 30 books. We already have where to dive.
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