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Towards Ubuntu

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

For many, this word is related to technology, for others to the idea of a model of peaceful society. Ubuntu is a word related to the way Desmond Tutu faced Apartheid in South Africa.

Ubuntu is the word to mediate the relationship between people. The technology we use in the same sense is also created to mediate interpersonal relationships. It is capable, for what purpose…

In the words of Desmond Tutu, a person with Ubuntua is open and available to others, supports others, does not feel threatened when other people are capable and good at something; is convinced that it is part of a great whole. This whole is affected when some people humiliate, despise, torture or crush others.

Free software has a message in itself to bring to the world the accumulation of many works, I would say that free software has Ubuntua.El free software, just as amama-aitites prepare a good dinner, it is a set of techniques full of knowledge designed to improve life and make it more delicious, with kindness and caring for the other. And it brings in that whole.

To understand that we live in a complete system, that the damage that I do to another is a damage that I do to the whole system, and that to avoid it, little by little, everyone is introducing corrections in their behaviors, that is the recipe to guide our ways of life towards Ubuntu. As in the poem “Itakara bidaia”, we may never reach Ubuntu, but if it is affordable to be a vital goal, the idea of reaching Ubuntu can be a compass to guide steps in one’s own life.

2024-07-16 | Hamaika Telebista
Eh Bildu leaves Osakidetza out of the budget debate to give “oxygen” to the government
The meeting between the Lehendakari of the Basque Government, Imanol Pradales, and the spokesman for Euskal Herria Bildu, Pello Otxandiano, took place this Monday in Bilbao. This has been announced by Otxandiano himself at the end of the meeting, which has been extended for an... [+]

Carlos Bueno (Aezkoa)
“Iratiko basoa biosferako erreserba izendatzeak eremua are babestuago izatea ekarriko du”

Uztailaren hasieran izendatu zuen Unescok Iratiko basoa biosferako erreserba. Aezkoako Lehendakari Carlos Buenok goraipatu egin du pausu hori eta uste du baliagarria izanen dela eremua babesteko eta populazioari eusteko.

2024-07-16 | Euskal Irratiak
Sébastien Castet
"There are more Euskaldunes, but the Basques live in an increasingly French environment"
Cross-border summer courses in Baiona have started this Monday and the steps for a new Language Policy in Ipar Euskal Herria will be studied.

Asiron: "The sanfermines have been participative, popular and multitudinous"
Despite the positive assessment by the mayor of Pamplona, he stressed that 24 assaults have been recorded and 23 people have been arrested. In Baiona, 11 cases of gender-based violence have been reported on other occasions.

Firefighters of Álava call for three weeks of strike
ELA and LAB have received among the main requests the increase in staff, the achievement of a new convention and respect for rest days. According to the News Journal of Álava, the strike will not affect the daily fire service, but will affect the rest days of the workers.

At least 141 Palestinians have died this weekend from shelling in displaced areas and a UNRWA school
The most tragic bombing took place on Saturday by the Israeli Army against hundreds of displaced people ' s shops in Al Mawasi in southern Gaza. The Israeli army declared the area a "safe humanitarian zone". At least 90 people died and more than 300 were injured by the use of... [+]

They give the family the remains of Republican Deputy Manuel Azcona, killed in 1936
Maria Jesús Fuerte, Nieta de Azcona, was in charge of collecting the mortal remains at an event held this Saturday in the Deputation. It is recalled that between 1936 and 1945 376 people were executed, of whom 299 were executed without trial.

Biden calls for "lowering the temperature" of the campaign when everything goes against him
Trump was shot this Saturday during a campaign rally in the city of Donetsk. It has taken three days of rest. Biden has already appeared three times before the media in Madrid to denounce the attack on his opponent. In his last statement, he has sent a message to slow down the... [+]

They report in Vitoria-Gasteiz that a family with a newborn baby is at risk of being evicted
The Housing Union of Vitoria-Gasteiz has denounced that Alokabide has opened at least six eviction processes in the Basque Country. One of them will be 18 July.

Gamarra Vs Mendizorrotza: Segregation in the municipal pools of Vitoria-Gasteiz?

Pools can be a classroom to understand class conflict, analyzing differences between bodies. I've been swimming in municipal pools for many years. Almost always in the Aldabe Civic Center, located between the neighborhoods of Alde Zaharra and Errota. But there was a time when I... [+]

Unai Pascual, member of the Gorbeialdea platform We defend:
“We’re in the Far West: the company that comes first takes the land and does what it wants.”
The multinational Solaria intends to build a photovoltaic park of 100 hectares and a Very High Voltage Line that crosses the region in the Alto Nervión de Álava. Citizens have organised themselves against it and have carried out numerous mass activities in a short period of... [+]

Mikel Ayllon
"The social value of literature will return from the socialization of poetry"
The writer and host of the programme so far Mikel Ayllon has dismissed the Irakurieran literature programme of Bizkaia Irratia, presented by Julian Iantzi. In addition to saying that it would not continue from September onwards, he reflected on the networks about the situation... [+]

2024-07-15 | Behe Banda
Warros Bars |
Axular and diagnostic evaluations

18:45. My friends have been quoted by 7 p.m., but the mobile alarm has caught me far from being ready. Dressed in a pajamas with drawings of sandie and looking only at the Google document of the computer, I have admitted that today I will not arrive in time either. However, this... [+]

2024-07-15 | Eneko B. Otamendi
So that "this last dance" is not that of the sea bream
Most of the ‘swamps’ we used to fish on the small pier were probably kisses, but we hardly saw any big kisses. If so, it would be found in well-known restaurants, while most fish kisses had been brought from outside. Currently, young specimens of other species, such as... [+]

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