You are 25 years old, you will enter university in September
of this year… I will start studying social anthropology, after many headaches, because I have always wanted to study psychology. The truth is that I don’t know how I’ve done this madness, studying Anthropology… The truth is that Psychology is included in the health sciences, and when I started preparing the university entrance exam, I knew that on specific topics they would ask me Chemistry and Biology. And I started preparing them, after I finished Adult Education.
Did you prepare the University Access Test in Adult Education?
Yes. I finished ESO at twenty-two years old and I said I would prepare the access for three years, because I didn't want to start high school or anything else. I started on that, but then came the pandemic and it was my desire to study chemistry and biology. “Well, I want to study psychology!” I thought. But I was wrong, it didn't happen, it didn't make me want to study chemistry and biology. And one night, in bed, I saw myself crying.
Crying? Why?
I have one thing above all: I can have no doubts about myself. I find that impossible. It gives me the doubt. And I said, “Hey, boy! What do you want to learn? Basque Philology? Well, do Basque Philology!” I said so. What happened? When I asked myself about the access test to be able to do Basque Philology, they said: “You know that Basque Philology is done in Vitoria, right?” and I am calmer than the dog: “Yes, I know, but I will do it from home.” And they: “No, no, classes are classroom”…
I remember that week I had a very bad time. I was worried. I had only one consolation. “Well, until the last moment I don’t have to decide.” That's what I comfort myself. I talked to my father and he told me that if things were like that, I could choose a career that could be done in Donostia. I thought about sociology or pedagogy: “Do sociology!” my father said. And if my father says something, you don't have to wonder anymore, why or why, that's it and period.
“Ecuador capital Quito”, as an expression and as Xabier Lete writes at the end of a poem.
Ha, ha… I didn’t know that! Ha, ha… The point is that my father always makes recommendations to me. So I started looking at the internet. “Sociology… Faculty of Bilbao!” Rooting! I cry again! So I took the list of all the studies I could do in San Sebastian, and there I saw social anthropology. “You don’t need to think anymore!” And so on. I have the mind of studying anthropology and doing a master's degree in psychology. I will finally learn what I wanted to study! Start in September. I'm so excited, that's what I wanted a long time ago, I didn't think I would pass the entrance test. It wasn't easy. Access to university has been a gift to me.
"I haven't been touched by good physical love. & '97; All at once! They tell me that physical love will also come to me, and it will come ...
Or not!”
Is the access test difficult?
I don't know if it's hard, it's very intense, very intense: I had to run five tests the same day. Five subjects, five tests! In the morning, common subjects –Spanish, Text Comment, Euskera and Foreign Language; English in my case– and afternoon specific subjects; Geography and History, me. It is true that I did not have to study almost anything about geography, because in Adult Education and in Aspace I had already studied this subject well: I took 8.1.
Do you consider yourself a smart student?
I don't know! I think I should take more advantage of my freedom. As regards the conduct of studies, I would like to say. When I'm interested in something, I try a lot more than studying. When I go to study, I have limitations, what I want to learn always requires more time than I need. And before you ask, let me tell you what the first limit is: laziness! There is no doubt about that!
When it comes to studying, laziness is not surprising, they are as unpleasant as those you like.
I'm going to recognize the truth, by the entrance test, I went to the exam. And so I'm going to go to college and have a good time. The last thing I'm going to do is squeeze me. I'm going to have fun, I'm going to do my best, of course, but nervousness? Zero! Anxiety? Zero! Besides, neither nervousness nor anxiety will help you in anything, in nothing. I also had a great time doing the access test. I had a helper next to me, in one room only two. That also helped me stay calm. I remember being treated very well in college. They gave me water, took off the dribble, my father came to give the food… I want to study in college, but they also want me to study there. I was very comfortable.
When he did the entrance test, he tells us he had a companion. Need help for all tasks? To do tests, go to the bathroom, clean yourself…?
Yes. I have a total dependency of 95%, but I don't notice much in everyday life, because I'm used to it, because my life is like this. However, in front of the computer, for example, I cannot work alone: walk the mouse with the chin, the keyboard with the nose… I will also have help in college, but not for in-class work, but to take me from the car to the room when I go to college, or to take me to the bathroom in the class sections… For notes, the UPV has an application and I will receive the notes received by volunteers.
Dependence brings you limits, barriers of different kinds, when they are physical barriers, when we cannot affect them or not...
I haven't thought much of that, because they all live in my normal situation. I am disabled, of course, I do not mind saying so. Others don't like: “Listen! Don’t call me invalid!” Instead, I don't care, I'm disabled all my life, so I'll always be. It seems to me a very nice word, what am I going to say to you! As for physical barriers, most of the time I have managed very well, as someone can chase me through the armpits and walk peacefully. I have an interesting example: when it comes to going to the bathroom, in many public places they have adapted toilets, but many times in them I do not take me easily. Is it curious, right?
“Eugene, you’re stupid! Youtuber is the one who makes videos on Youtube!” “Look, there’s a whole world here!” I thought, but I didn’t go through the head that I had to do interviews! "
What do you mean?They're designed for
older people, that most adapted toilets have a big hole, they're designed for older people and I'm riding there in kilin-kala. I get nervous and I don't make urine! So what? Get me into tight toilets and we adapt much better there! Curious counterpoint, right? It is true that when the adapted toilets have a hole of normal dimension, that is where we logically enter!
What about our emotional, psychological disabilities?
I'm not going to use the word "psychological" for empathy with nondisabled people.
Without using that word.
It is true that people have more and more empathy and, on the other hand, I have seen more times the lack of empathy with others than that of nabiero. I have always been treated very well. But something else has happened to me sometime… For example, an interview to a proposal with whatsapp, and they told me: “Me? Why me? What am I going to tell you? I am no one.” And I say: “How little we love ourselves! How can we say that we are no one! We are people and we will always be!” Once, that's what I told an outraged person: “Are you no one? What are you? A ghost fallen from the sky in the dark?” And it blocked me.
Did it block you? How did he take it?
Me? That's right, Marianton!
Kar, kar… You have already learned in Basque, you have a certain level.
I will say: I was born in Moscow. At twenty-two months I was adopted by a Basque family, along with my two brothers, Maxim and Nina. The Basque language is my mother tongue, although I come from Moscow. We came in at two years old or were brought to Tolosa. And in Tolosa we grew up necessarily in Basque, but also in parallel in Spanish in Aspace, because after two years I began to go Aspacera. I studied both at once. I know perfectly Basque, very well, and I am passionate about Euskera, but the circumstances of life have led me to deepen in Spanish, I have studied in Spanish, and I have read many in Spanish.
However, you have a higher level than usual in euskera.Esta Spanish deepening stage
has ended. For example, with the encouragement of my father, I will do the Basque career. For me it's a challenge, I'm going to go from studying in Spanish to studying in Basque, and I think I'm going to learn more Basque. As you asked me about my Basque level, I will tell you that Aspace and then I got into an institute, always in the special education room. I was told that I had the capacity to exceed an Basque level. They made me a joke… and I got angry because they gave me my name in the Basque exam level A2. I thought, “It will be the first profile, deputamadre!”
I did the exam and passed it, but then I knew the first profile was B1. And they took me the water and the fire! It was June, it was the time of the new calls, and I said to myself: “OK! Now, without notifying anyone of the institute, I will jump B1 and go for the B2 exam.” I said to my father and father, “Yes, I think it’s level, but tell those in high school.” But I didn't tell them. I signed up, took the exam and took it out B2. Since then, I have tried to take the C1 three times, but I have not succeeded. I have also been right to do the Basque career, I think it will allow me to go deeper into Basque… The interviews I have conducted have also taught me a lot, and the sessions with clowns too.
How she started doing interviews… You have hundreds in
When I was a kid, I was playing a show. I received a lot of ETB1 in Tolosa. You were in Sautrela – I know – and it comes to my childhood saying that Sautrela, because at that time that was ETB for me: Sautrela, Goenkale, Betizu, Teknopolis, Amama cook… Now there are a lot of new programs, OK, but our ETB is the same. I saw a lot of programs, and when they were done, I felt sad, and against sadness, I was coming down from the couch and starting to introduce my own series, mimicking the presenters. And when I started coming from Tolosa to Aspacera by bus to Donostia, on the way to my own series, in my imagination, playing, but I did! Then I would come home and write the programming ...
A few years ago, he jumped from the childhood game into the big conversations.
Five years ago, I heard the word youtuber. I thought, “Youtuber?… The day will be the one that shoots videos.” No trace. A friend told me. “Eugene, you’re stupid! Youtuber is the one who makes videos on Youtube!” “Look, there’s a whole world here!” I thought, but I didn’t go through the head that I had to do interviews! What did I do, though? Interview with Pirritx eta Porrotxeko kantaria, Joli Pascualena. I picked up the recorder, interviewed, ordered and uploaded to Youtube. Then I made Nerea Alias, a student of our mother and knew her. Then, Pirritx, Teresa Andonegi, Oihana Arana, Leire Vargas… A lot. I select interviews on social networks and exploring here and there.
You have several poems on your web. It's a
therapy that helps me a lot. I started playing. I saw people writing on social media, putting pictures, doing this and that, and I also wanted to do it. But what I wrote at first is not poetry, it's prose, then I've learned to work poetry. That said, writing poems is like being a couple, because paper is there -- whenever you want, plus -- you won't have sex with the poem, but it doesn't matter, in this world it's not all sex, and poems are my partners.
Have you had a pair other than paper?
Yes ...
Did you fall in love?
Many times.
Many times?
Yes, now I'm also in love. I live constantly in love.
Ha, ha…
Often those loves are platonic.
Mine was the first, the Platonic. Until
the delightful physical loves came… and so too! But it hasn't touched me a good physical love. & '97; All at once! They tell me that physical love will also come to me, and it will come ... Or not! I know that what falls in love with me has to be a very sacrificed person, for my needs: take her to the bathroom, feed her… I remember that my sister Eider, the biological daughter that my mother had before we were adopted, once said to me: “You too will have a partner someday.” I said no, it is impossible, and he asked me: “Why do you say no?” “Because I have to do everything, because at all times I need help to do nothing! There are no guys who do it,” because, I say, I like boys. And Eider: “If the boy is in love with you, everything will be done with love, without obligations!” Then the day was clarified to me: “I take root, so I can also have a partner.”
In the interview he spoke on more than one occasion of his father [Joxe Ramon Alzibar], his non-mother art house, Eider’s mother, his “mother here”. The mother
was called Izaskun Etxeberria, by Anoeta.
Did it have a name? He
died eight years ago from cancer. And that pain! It was the biggest kick I've ever been given. But from there I also learned. I've been asked more than once. “How have you been able to advance in your situation?”… And I think there is no more, because you only move forward, there is no other solution, that life forces you to move forward.
I received your e-mail in personal mail on the strike portals. At first, like many others, I thought it was to let you know what options we have in the face of the strike. But no, the e-mail received was a political and communicative movement against the strike.
I will confess... [+]
And for another year, the unions have organized prefabricated strikes for us. And we, individually, will decide whether or not to join the strike, without the need for any assembly at the school.
The strike model that I was taught is no longer in vogue, it seems. In my... [+]
Behin batean, gazterik, gidoi nagusia betetzea egokitu zitzaion. Elbira Zipitriaren ikasle izanak, ikastolen mugimendu berriarekin bat egin zuen. Irakasle izan zen artisau baino lehen. Gero, eskulturgile. Egun, musika jotzen du, bere gogoz eta bere buruarentzat. Eta beti, eta 35... [+]