Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A little pause in insanity

  • Understanding the world is not now easy. There has been one time. We live not very nice and interesting times, and we can find the edges we want, the magnifying glass in our hand, to analyze it in depth. At this time when the speed of everyday life is trapped in its whirlwind, ARGIA takes the month of August to offer you content to read a little more breath. Keys to calm reflection.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

2022ko uztailaren 31
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Pedro Ignazio Barrutia
‘Gabonetako ikuskizuna’: desbergonzadu perroa! (Belengo estalpean euskañolez)

Belendik Mondragoera joan-etorrian ibiltzeko aireplanoa zeukan Pedro Ignazio Barrutiak eta mendeetan barrena bidaiatzeko Delorean-gurdia ere bai. Ez da gutxi, kontuan izanda Fagor taldeak konpositeetarako lerroak martxan jarri baino askozaz lehenago bizi izan zela, XVIII... [+]

The OECD warns that it remains the first force in the Northern Basque Country, with 48% of the votes received
This February 6, the votes for the Department’s Chamber of Agriculture have been counted. The FDSEA, promoter of agribusiness, remains the first force in the department that brings together the Biarno and the Northern Basque Country, but has lost its strength: It went from 54%... [+]

Alternatibei zirrikitua irekitzeagatik

Zerbait egin beharra izan liteke aurtengo Argia Sarietan garaikurra jaso berri dutenen oinarria. Zapalkuntzaren, bazterkeriaren, ahanzturaren aurrean antolatzearen erabakia hartu izana. Edo ilunetik argia ateratzea, zirrikituak bilatzea eta komunitateari eskaintzea. Balio... [+]

2025-02-03 | Axier Lopez
Why does Facebook leave Twitter and Facebook?
Algorithms that promote hatred, applications designed to generate addiction, platforms that see advertising recipients instead of people, social networks that treat us like merchandise... It seems that lately the population only receives toxicity from the main social networks,... [+]

Bonus track: where is the prize?

They were all in food and drink, seemingly cheerful, but some were nervous between snacks and appetizers. He would receive the prize for the second time, but he would be the first to have it in his hands. And I was nervous because the reminder had to get to the office, damn it.... [+]

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