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“Health is in many body forms, not in a particular body”

  • Eli Gallego Moreiro was born to fulfill his dreams. He created Elikaeskola in Hondarribia a year and a half ago. “If I want to do something, I will work to achieve it,” he says. It insists on the need for nutritionists in public health so that the health of all people is really worked out. Because diet gathers your own eating habits, because it's not something you do to lose weight. “You have your diet and I have my diet,” he says. It acts in defense of healthy bodies, avoiding stereotypes.
“Elikadurak ez du soilik gorputzean modu fisikoan eragiten, psikologikoki ere asko eragiten du” (Argazkia: Irantzu Pastor)
“Elikadurak ez du soilik gorputzean modu fisikoan eragiten, psikologikoki ere asko eragiten du” (Argazkia: Irantzu Pastor)

What is Elikaeskola?

Ours is a health center. The one who comes here receives a very specialized service with the personalized attention he needs and deserves. People come in search of psychologists and nutritionists, who occasionally start and end up with one. It's much more interconnected than we think. It is a process that we propose and offer, the patient must feel from the beginning that we respect his rhythms and needs.

Slimming down with one thing or another or not eating, how we eat, when and at what time we do it… you have to look at everything. Food not only physically influences the body, but also psychologically. A fast weight loss diet in May may have negative effects later. We run the risk of taking more kilos than those of Galdurico and that frustrates us even more. All of this has a hormonal influence on the body and that needs to be worked out. So Elikaeskola is about, ha, ha, ha!

We misuse the word diet, right?

Very bad. Diet is our dietary pattern. Whether it's pizza or lettuce, it's all diet. I'm often asked if I'm on a diet, and I say, “Yes, this is my diet and how about yours?” I don't think we're what we eat, because it's fashionable to say it today. The world of nutrition is a big business and things have to be very clear in order not to fall into many traps.

Better than individually if everyone at home gets involved in proper food, right?

No doubt. If what comes is working especially the proper feeding of children. From time to time, we organized face-to-face workshops and this year we organized summer cooking workshops as colonies. As an extracurricular activity it is very good to propose cooking, as long as they learn to do more than cakes, natillas and pastries. I find it much more interesting that children learn how to make tortillas, macaroni, salads, legumes -- because it's daily food. Sweets, however, should be consumed from time to time.

Has the health epidemic influenced eating habits?

The truth is, I'm not clear yet. So far, I'm pretty scared of what I'm seeing. Anorexia and binge eating disorder are the most visible. The relationship with food is very complex, we should dismantle it from the top down as soon as possible. In childhood it's best to maintain normal contact without nudos.En Pandemic many have gone from being children to teenagers and receive very negative messages from there and here on behalf of the perfect body they want to sell. In this case, parents have the problem. Because they internalize the messages imposed by society and reproduce them thinking they're working well. These are generally very dangerous messages.

We're not taught to love our bodies, aren't we?

No, and it's a pity. Health is present in many body forms, not in a certain body. Even if I have more kilos, we can be very healthy. Some of us will never get into a specific profile. But yes, and it's not a problem. Unfortunately we have very internalized that we have to get that body that is sold to us, at any price. I have also fallen into that trap. I was twelve kilos less ten years ago and I had the same butt that I have today. It's mine! That is and will not change. How many things we lose on the road in search of the perfect body, simply hurting ourselves. It is a fraud.

You're a nutritionist, we're talking about health. Is it a lifelong learning when I had, no?

It is essential not to be left behind. I take Wednesdays for that. I spend the day reading and learning. I like to have updated information. Health professionals sometimes suffer from scammer syndrome, a feeling I don't like at all. There's a lot at stake because we talk about health. In the last month I have been in bad weather and I have not felt anything satisfied. Now I have taken it back and I am very happy. I want to be informed and have access to information to choose and make decisions. In the world of food there is no pattern, each person needs attention and a personalized diet.

Beyond the strange mother

Her grandmother tells Eli that it's kind of crazy and it's a disaster for business. Instead of looking at numbers rigorously and colleagues' résumés with magnifying glass, see if there's chemistry between them. It was clear that he was going to be dedicated to health and food. Taking into account that everyone is different, making it clear that there is no proper general and unique diet. Motherhood reached absolute learning and, from time to time, has also appeared as a rare mother to children's friends for offering a tuna sandwich instead of Nocilla. “Funny yes, but they ate everything,” he says with pride.


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