Escape from the Sargori is impossible in this city. The street thermometer indicates a temperature above 40 degrees and the cement emits smoke. Bilbao, more than ever, is a death trap. Even though the protection in the cave of my house is the best choice, I go out into the street to look for the crypts that hide on the map of the asphalt desert. I found one of them at the pier of Ripa. Muelle taberna is a good refuge, as it has an experimental musical performance organized from the ashes of the former Larraskito complex.
The first concert was the Leun Dura project, a trio formed by Itziar Markiegi, Iker Arrazola and Joseba Agirrezabalaga. Industrial dissonances face triballistic batteries to ignite the war between organic and synthetic. Rather than conflict, symbiosis emerges. Itziar, with Joseba travelling, is a demon on on the head of the machine and under the mask that is wearing dressed, a destructive smile is noticed. What to say about Arra: Playing the battery in the resolution process is not free and seeing it is priceless. All three have put the right soundtrack at this end of time.
The second afternoon session was offered by another trio: Composed of Mikel Vega, Izarne Oyarzabal and Fernando Ulzio. An intimidating proposition that combines music, improvisation and dance, combining guitar, saxo and the dance steps of the clake. It's been a two-way ritual, because it's not clear who sets the rhythm, who faces impotence, the fear of being mute, who is the driver in a recital that overflows with tenderness. The scenarios depend on a spell, and so are those around us. Art has to be seduced and that is what they have achieved thanks to the invocations that call the ground.
It's a luxury to watch Garazi Navas live. It is able to swim at the frontiers of the vanguard and academicism and bring the accordion to another dimension. Master as one more organic appendix of your body. In the performance of Muelle he has created painful melodies that have left us dead. The excess bellows of hell have rarely been so appropriate. He also dares to sing, overcoming the chord sounds without the microphone. Pure magic.
The last were Miriam Rzm and Garazi Gorostiaga. The first one has gone up in a suit of sensors and has played with himself and his partner's body, while he works with synths, sounding the contact between them. It starts as a game of friends, creating exciting moments.
According to some theories, when a collapse occurs, the fungi will survive and resurrect the earth. Fungi, those mysterious little organisms. In the face of the collapse of our cities, and also in the face of cultural collapse, the initiatives that have begun to flourish like mushrooms will make us hope. What happened in Muell is just one example, because many others are about to come.
Chulería, fuck!
WHEN: 5 January.
WHERE: At the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao.
As I filled the room, looking down behind the railing above the theater, I've been playing to see if I find someone younger than me before the... [+]
Beyoncé at the break of an American football game in Houston, Texas. The American singer has come to the center of the stadium in a cowboy suit that she's had access to. The hat covers the nice, the legs the boots long to the knees. The scarce white suit shows her thighs and... [+]
When: 21 December.
Where: Bilbao in the Arena.
Every year Bilbao will be on the 21st of December. The cider and talo, protagonists of the day, is the day of the fair of St. Thomas. This year,... [+]
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
Where: Ahotsenea (Plateruena, Durango)
When: 8 December
Scarves, umbrellas and eye holes are the protagonists of December 8 in Durango. On the last day of the fair they have joined at noon on Sunday and the densest winter... [+]
Anari + Belako When:
5 December.
Where: Sala Zentral de Pamplona.
I remember that the first time I saw Belako live was in the first month of Erasmus. I didn't go to see them, but a concert that was finally suspended. In return,... [+]
We have known Aitor Bedia Hans, a singer of the Añube group for a long time. At that time we were reconciled with BEÑAT González, former guitarist of the Añube group. It was at the university time, when the two young people of Debagoiena came to Bilbao to study with music in... [+]
Kutixik Non
Festival: In the Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, in San Sebastián.
When: 26 October.
It is a musical initiative that emerged in Donostialdea and aims to "collectively confront the music industry that wants precarious,... [+]