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Ways of living old age

Azken etxea | Arantxa Urretabizkaia | Pamiela, 2022

Paul Neruda's autobiography is titled I Confess, and that's one of the things that this book is going to show us. The protagonist is the elderly, who throughout the narrative is dedicated to buying and preparing what will be his last house. From time to time, through memories, by certain sounds, images or smells, or in the form of nightmares, the past spoons him.

But it's not a grandmother in the chair looking back or waiting for death. Another thing we'll find in this book is that life is, or can be, that you're the age you're old. Shadows will appear in the protagonist's daily life, obstacles to overcome. To achieve your dream you will have to spend dangerous moments. We'll use the cat and the mouse.

Therefore, we will get to know the children inside and outside the house, dress and take away the costumes before the readers and convey to us conflicting feelings about it. To manage nervousness and fear you think about your dream home and your garden will reassure you. The colors of the flowers and the delicious perfume will give you peace.

The last house represents the desire to abandon the flight and find a rest area. A place where you will call the house, you will feel comfortable. Space to take root and keep growing peacefully like plants. We will find out whether their places of residence throughout their lives have been “home” or not, whether they have made them feel strange or comfortable. He has also taken root with his family, his partner, his friends or himself.

When, where, with whom do we feel at home? When death is closer, where do we want to go over the last few years? What do we need to feel comfortable, safe and comfortable in everyday life? Where does his roots have what he has lived outside?

Arantxa Urretabizkaia creates a complex protagonist and interlaces a beautiful plot with a simple prose. He tells us a new version of old age by questioning the clichés we remember and updating our imaginary.



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