Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Jaime Belaz Medrano, who was he?

The main protagonist of the events of Amaiur in 1522, was born in the tower house of the family of Igúzquiza towards 1475. Due to the connections of his lineage with the Navarros kings and the Agaramontese families, in 1512 Pedro de Navarra will organize the resistance together with the marshal.

Below we will see in the front line all the elevations against the conquerors: 1513, 1516 and 1521. He surrendered to Amaiur, probably in the hope of being freed by rescue and organizing a new uprising. But he was killed in the cell in Pamplona, we don't know how.

Since then, the heirs made no mention of Jaime Belaz Medrano and Etxaniz, and their name and history has gone unnoticed for many.

Is everything tied and well tied?

The Spanish state would become the dystopian stage of Tejerazo, in 1981. There, the political leaders confined to Congress were "invited" to approve a tacit agreement in which the status quo linked to the monarchic system, the bipartisan political system (establishment of closed... [+]

The sun burns the house
Tourists have filled apartments and hotels with exorbitant prices. And you in your parents' home, desperate, while big companies and speculators put rental to the test.

Ehgg denounces authorities taking advantage of LGTBIQ+ people’s pride day for their interests
The Euskal Herria Sexual Liberation Movement (Ehgam) has announced that it will go to the streets like every year, “we mean that we are proud of our non-binary, trans, bolleras, maricas, bisexual and dissidents bodies. We want to claim loud and clear that our pen, our... [+]

They show that Israel follows a pattern to kill Palestinian journalists
The Committee for the Protection of Journalists in the Gaza Strip has estimated 103 deaths by Zionists since 7 October and more than 150 deaths. A report warns that in some cases they were intentioned, knowing that they were journalists, although nothing is known.

Absolves the worker who, after being dismissed by Osakidetza, was charged with drilling two wheels in an ambulance
Judge Bilbaíno has stated that "there is not enough evidence" to show that the worker committed this crime and that "there are no witnesses" to prove this. The company that has awarded the ambulance service has reported more than 300 cases of sabotage of this kind.

The missing woman in Urruña already informed the police in February that her husband "harassed" her.
At a press conference on Thursday, Attorney Jerome Bourrier assured that the couple was "in the process of divorce" and that her husband did not accept it. The husband is a former gendarme and a shooting athlete, and they haven't found the weapons of war he had in his house. The... [+]

They call to concentrate in front of the PSN headquarters in Pamplona to denounce that it hinders model D
The Euskera Defense Network wishes to denounce the obstacles that the Government of Navarre places on model D. It is clear that the Government of Navarra is “prepared to do everything” to “attack the Basque Country”. For this reason, they convened a concentration on 2... [+]

A group of Martutene neighbors from Donostia-San Sebastian calls for violence to call for "a shot in the head"
With the excuse of the proliferation of burglaries in the neighborhood of Martutene, since last year, there have been several discussions and controversies in the neighborhood. Several neighbors created a security group, understanding that “the Ertzaintza did not act”... [+]

Head by neck

The new government formation has left many unanswered questions, but it is clear that once again we will have to be firm in betting on the Basque Public School. We were told that, although the same party will govern, we would have new faces, but that has not been entirely true... [+]

20 June Joint Initiative for Palestinian Children and Adolescents in Schools

We are parents of Euskal Herria, daughters and sons; they are called Maddi, Izei, Dani, Alaitz, Aida or BEÑAT, but they may be Hatem Salem, Awad Muhammad 14 years old, Zakaria Magdy 6 years old or Nour Ahmed 7 years old. They were all killed by Israel in Gaza.

We can't imagine... [+]

2024-06-28 | Rober Gutiérrez
People in the center

After the post-election negotiation phase, PNV and PSE-EE have laid the groundwork for a government agreement between the two to “advance welfare, progress, self-government and transformation of the global Euskadi”. An 11-page document details the commitments and activities... [+]

2024-06-28 | Josu Iraeta
Solitude of the tortured

When we talk publicly about torture, we realize how much society embraces the opinion that the “system” itself puts into effect on this issue. It uses a wide range of ministers and advisers, judges and experts, all with the help of the organic media, of course. And it has to... [+]

The first Women's House of Ipar Euskal Herria will open its doors in Urruña
The House of the First Women of Ipar Euskal Herria will open its doors in the coming months in Urruña. On Thursday, 27 June, the general assembly took place to establish its creation, and this has been made known by the feminist militant Véronique de la Devèze.

2024-06-28 | Euskal Irratiak
Peio Dufau, Fronte Herritar Berria
“Baikorki ikusten dugu Iñaki Etxanizek egin duen lana; bide bera jorratu nahi genuke”

Hendaiatik Miarritzera eta Larresorotik Sarara hedatzen den seigarren hautesbarrutian, EH Baiko hautagai bat izanen du Fronte Herritar Berriak.

2024-06-28 | Gedar
They will protest for the freedom of Palestine also in San Fermín
Solidarity with Palestine has called for a demonstration on 13 July at the Euskalduna Palace. It will leave at 18:30 hours from Plaza de San Francisco.

Eguneraketa berriak daude