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400 year old steam and air conditioning machines

  • Jerónimo Aiantz, painter, cosmographer and military of Guendulain, invented in the sixteenth century a steam engine to repair water leaks from mines.
Jeronimo Aiantzek (1544-1613) 48 asmakizun patentatu zituen, besteak beste, meatzeetako baldintzak hobetzeko lurrun makina.

Guendulain (Navarra), 1553. Jerónimo Aiantz Beaumont was born. Belonging to the mother's family of the Count of Lerín, at 14 years old Felipe II.aren was transferred to the court in the form of a paje, in which he began to receive a different formation based on the endless resume that would later thicken. Aiantz was a painter, inventor, ruler, comendor, cosmograph, military, singer and composer.

In 1587, the king of Spain appointed him as chief mine manager, and he began to solve one of the most serious problems of the kingdom's 550 mines: water leaks. I would use steam machines to pump water out of tunnels and galleries.

When Philip II died in 1598, the solution that Aiantze lost would be put into practice. However, in 1606 the new king granted him a “privilege of invention” by his steam engine, that is, patented the designed machine. It cannot be said that Aiantze invented a steam engine, since from ancient times it was known that steam could be used as an energy source, but he was the first to patent an “industrial” steam engine. And in practical use. Secretly, he launched the steam engine in the silver mines of Guadalcanal, Sevilla, abandoned in Felipe II.aren. In addition, it used the surplus water drainage pipe, and the principles of thermodynamics, to introduce fresh air that was missing in the mines. It managed to cool the air with snow and re-enter the galleries. In other words, it also invented an air conditioning system.

In 1613 Jerónimo died in Ayala. For over a century and a half, Thomas Savery and James Watts traveled until he patented the steam engine, one of the main bases and incentives of the Industrial Revolution. And for them would be the recognition and glory that Aiantze never received.

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