Diving is often associated with exotic places. But what does the Basque coast bring?
The coast of Euskal Herria has many places to explore, is full of stories! For me the area of Urdaibai is special, we have many treasures underwater. For example, the caves of Ogoño are near Elantxobe, where we often work. On sunny days, upon leaving the caves, it seems to be in a Mexican cenote. Light occupies another tone underwater, it's really a special place. Another example: Between Matxitxako and Bermeo there is a boat underwater called Mina Mani. It sank in 1963 and needs about 35 meters to see it.
Anyway, you have also been in international places…
Yes. I have made international trips whenever I have been able. I have received diving courses abroad until I become a professional teacher. Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Egypt… But surely my second home has become Indonesia. I've made a lot of friends, I've learned the language, I've traveled from end to end... I was also living in the Komodo Natural Park for five months while taking the Divemaster course.
In addition to the underwater ecosystem, those bathed by water over the centuries generate a great curiosity; sunken boats, objects, temples… there are also cities underwater!
It's what I'm most curious about. The story of all those things that have been submerged is very interesting. For example, why or how a boat has sunk, how many people traveled inside or what the boat was carrying… The guide explains before meeting this scenario underwater. Then, when you have questions in front of your eyes, you start coming to yourself and try to reconstruct what happened.
How would you describe the feeling of being underwater?
Underwater life, the development of corals and animals make me feel special, change my perspective and isolate myself from surface routines. Underwater life is really curious, the shapes, colors and slow movements that are out there seem to have come out of an alien film. I am increasingly eager and curious to learn more. This underwater world changes in different corners of the world, its behavior is different, but it has its charm everywhere.
While you're enjoying neoprene, I'm sure something has stopped you more than once: the waste and plastics in the oceans and seas.
That is what worries me most. There's a saying that everything ends in the sea, and that's right. Cans, plastic sands -- seas and oceans are full of waste. We need to look after the environment, the sea is not a landfill. Much remains to be done in the area of awareness raising.
Divers respect nature a lot. But as a fashionable activity, how much can it affect ecosystems?
When there is mass scuba diving in one place, it must be regulated because it will affect marine life. For example, I recently visited Murcia, in Cabo de Palos, with outings limited to the natural reserve. There is a great organization and dives are carried out in a controlled way. This is the most common thing, we try to minimize impacts on nature.
At this point, some reader would have liked to start diving. But is it an activity for all pockets?
We are not going to deceive ourselves: we have to invest money at first, in learning and in material, but as when you start practicing any sport. Gradually, as the activity increases and the price of materials decreases, it is increasingly affordable. However, we are working with the friends of the Bou Nabarra Diving School of Elantxobe to turn the industry around, so that the economy is not a wall for anyone who wants to enjoy.
What is clear is that at least some fears have to be overcome sooner!
Firstly, it is essential that there are no breathing or hearing problems, which are the main organs to be used for this exercise. It is appropriate to come without prejudice and without general ideas, because some people think they will be frightened and then they do not. Others see it as a personal challenge. Most of the time people come out very happy, far from regretting. & '97; I would say: let go of everyday problems, relax, breathe… and enjoy!
“Being water 70% of the planet Earth, how would I not have aroused my curiosity about what is under that layer? Almost ten years ago, I practiced diving for the first time in Mexico, and since then everything changed. It changed the way I saw life underwater. You join the sea, participating and respecting the environment. Another underwater world is curious and with many stories. Many people don’t know this treasure.”
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