Emma Kunz's universe is the work of 18 authors. Exhibitions in dialogue with contemporary art. The large images made with pendulum by the Swiss researcher and curator Emma Kunz (1892-1963) complete the rest of the exhibition contemporary artists in dialogue with the work of Kunz, which may remain in the background but which gives the reason for being to the exhibition.
World of Emma Kunz
WHEN: January 28 - June 19:
Tabakalera (Donostia)
The reference to the universe in the title of the exhibition is not as superficial as normal. We have said that Kunz was a curator, and precisely those images that are now shown as works of art were visual expressions of “continuous and very personal research on the rules governing the transit of life and the nature of the human spirit.”
Currently, each color, line and image allows us to reflect freely on these metaphysical questions that Kunz studied, so separated from their origin in time, space and worldview. But also because of its purely aesthetic appearance. Its grandeur, shape and geometrical repetitions, symmetries, asymmetries and in some ways the kaleidoscopic allows to do so, even more knowing that these images started and ended with Kunz.
The absence of instruments (nominated and dated, frozen in time) has become a work of art, recovered in recent years by contemporary artists and considered as a source. Kunz has reinterpreted what he researched in his work and the footprints that, if he wants his practice, leaves the artistic, which have been left out of the way, and have brought them to the present day. The result of these interviews is the rest of the work presented in Tabakalera, which includes a wide variety of approaches and techniques.
The exhibition shows, in short, a work by Emma Kunz converted into contemporary art, but also an invitation to enter a stranger for many universes. It is up to the viewer to understand, complete, question these visions of life and the world that are manifested in a more or less neutral way and their context, since the material construction of the bridges between the logic of the cultural dynamics prevailing in our time and the meaning of Kunz's work can be diverse.
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