Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa


According to my friends who I cross, we have had two films screaming languages, one or the other. Thomas Lacoste’s two-hour documentary L’hypothèse démocratique has been a great success in Iparralde. The screen shows the most famous testimonies of the time of the armed struggle, a kind of Basque future represented by an ETA without arms precisely. It is certainly interesting, although the figure of what was called an enemy is far outside this proposal for a solution.

They tell me that a new messianic hypothesis is offered by the few friends who have seen the work Maixabel by Iciar Bollain. It seems that this cannot be taken among us as if it were harming our wounds. Is the risk there? This discharge may lead the way, that is, to move away from the touch of the grief that has occurred, to contrast, even if you know that the word will lead us to the place of ideological comfort.

I repeat myself, but perhaps the hypothetical democratic hypothesis that serves for the future is that of empathy with the victims, of understanding, once and for all, forgetting that in this matter we too have been hit hard.

2024-09-06 | ARGIA
The Council calls for all Local Police officers to know Basque in response to the TSJPV ruling
In 2021, a unified work bag was created for CAV Local Police Auxiliaries. The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPV) has dismissed the required linguistic profile, level B2, in Basque. He has argued that the linguistic profile is "disproportionate" and that the Basque... [+]

2024-09-06 | ARGIA
The IX Congress of the Deputies of Navarra. Environmental Fair in Noáin from 13 to 15 September
The quote will be in the Park of the Senses of Noáin. The trade fair is the largest meeting point in Navarre to bring citizens and producers closer to organic food. It is the ninth edition and for the fourth consecutive year it will be held in the Park of the Senses of Noain.

2024-09-06 | ARGIA
The Ertzaintza stops an 84-year-old man in Vitoria for trying to kill his wife
The 76-year-old woman has suffered serious injuries. According to the Basque Government's Department of Security, the man has been attacked early on Friday and has been arrested for trying to kill his wife.

And in the end, the extreme right came out reinforced ...

Three months have passed since the elections to the French Parliament. It was July 7, and to everyone's surprise, the New Popular Front on the left, the FHB, won. With the aim of cutting the road to the far right that was successful in the first round, in the second round the... [+]

The training project in activism for young women of African origin in Navarra
The Doctor of the World has launched the "transformative" project, with continuous training to help women of African descent in Navarre and to train in activism.

2024-09-06 | Euskal Irratiak
SEASKA will exceed the range of 4,300 students this course

The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]

2024-09-06 | Iñigo Satrustegi
Do not understand 3/4


WHEN: 1 September.
WHERE: Sala Zentral de Pamplona.


For many it is the last day of vacation. "A plan to bring a good end to the summer." On Sunday night, the Zentral Hall hosted a group of spectators who... [+]

Participants welcome the first meeting of the Osakidetza Bureau
Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, and Health Advisor Alberto Martínez, chaired this Thursday’s meeting on public health in Bilbao. There were also many agents from the health sector and the Basque society.

2024-09-06 |
Dancing on September 8: In Ochagavía, in Elciego and where else?
We dare to say that the dances of Ochagavía (Navarra) and Elciego (Álava) are the most known dances of the return of 8 September. They have a long history and history and in recent decades have been collected in the repertoires of many dance groups in the Basque Country.

2024-09-06 |
Jose Mari Esparza, a lifetime dedicated to popular construction
The Esker Onez program, released by Hamaika TB, has been dedicated to the editor and historical militant of the Abertzale Left of Tafalla.

Was Juana de Jutsa, the first to be burned by witchcraft?
The most well-known stories of witch hunting date back to the 16th and 17th centuries in the Basque Country: In Roncal, Zugarramurdi and Lapurdi, many citizens were raged by inquisitors and torturers. It was in 1525, in August by Nabarralde’s hand, that almost 500 years ago,... [+]

2024-09-05 | ARGIA
Macron appoints Conservative Michel Barnier as Prime Minister
Conservative Michel Barnier is a former minister, former EU Commissioner and Brexit negotiator.

2024-09-05 | Estitxu Eizagirre
7 September celebrates Trekutz Day in Antzuola
The citizen platform Meaka-Irimo has organized this day to mobilize against the Trekutz project of the Spanish multinational Capital Energy. After the event, the participants will enjoy the championship, the popular food, the acting of bertsos and the pilgrimage.

2024-09-05 | ARGIA
The human chain against incineration on Sunday will denounce the waste management of the City Hall of Donostia
The Anti-Incineration Movement will carry out a human chain against incineration on Day 8 in Donostia-San Sebastián. The demonstration will start at 11:00 from Alderdi Eder in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

The Basque Government is ready to talk about punishing Ekondakin for illegal waste from Artajona
In June the Government of Navarre asked the Basque Government to open a dossier of sanctions against Ekondakin for the leachate transporting Artajona from the incinerator of Zubieta.

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