According to my friends who I cross, we have had two films screaming languages, one or the other. Thomas Lacoste’s two-hour documentary L’hypothèse démocratique has been a great success in Iparralde. The screen shows the most famous testimonies of the time of the armed struggle, a kind of Basque future represented by an ETA without arms precisely. It is certainly interesting, although the figure of what was called an enemy is far outside this proposal for a solution.
They tell me that a new messianic hypothesis is offered by the few friends who have seen the work Maixabel by Iciar Bollain. It seems that this cannot be taken among us as if it were harming our wounds. Is the risk there? This discharge may lead the way, that is, to move away from the touch of the grief that has occurred, to contrast, even if you know that the word will lead us to the place of ideological comfort.
I repeat myself, but perhaps the hypothetical democratic hypothesis that serves for the future is that of empathy with the victims, of understanding, once and for all, forgetting that in this matter we too have been hit hard.
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