Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"Paul has nothing to hide"

  • He says that they are, according to the days, sometimes better, others worse. However, Oihana Goiriena (Gernika, 1975), wife of Pavel, imprisoned in Radom prison in Poland, conveys strength. Because his family and friends call him this way, and how things are, when the news of the arrest spread, remember that in Nabarniz nobody took charge, because there nobody knew Pablo González. Then yes, they soon called to concentrate on the village and they came together. We have spoken to this ARGIA subscriber and he has told us clearly that he wants this nightmare to end quickly.
Argazkia: Dani Blanco.
Argazkia: Dani Blanco.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
What is the latest information we know [May 5]?

On Wednesday [April 27] Paul had the view to testify to the prosecutor and the next day, on his birthday, I spoke to the lawyer. He told me he saw it well, he can't tell you what the view was. Now Paul has permission to call the lawyer, not us, and I know the lawyer congratulated him on our part. I don't know anything else, we still don't have direct communication with him.

He is accused of espionage. What are the tests?

The only thing we know officially is that he is charged with espionage, on the basis of Article 130.1 of the Polish Penal Code, with a criminal risk of one to ten years and provisional imprisonment of three months until 29 May. We know nothing officially of the tests. Several Polish magazines have extracted information from the intervention of some Polish ministers. They said he was accused of being a GRU or agent of the Russian military main state. We know this indirectly. Nothing has come of the Polish authorities, no evidence or anything. I know what charges they charge him through the consul. I got a letter from the Rzeszów region court, to tell me that they were only three months in jail, they didn't even mention charges, fewer tests.

How does that environment lead to suspicion that your husband is a spy? Some media outlets have come to ask him directly. What do you think in those moments?

When I was first told, I was left with stone. He was a journalist from Euskadi Radio. I didn't tell her what I thought, I was flipped. No, it's not a spy, what do you want me to tell you? Now I have become accustomed, I have had to answer this question many times. I don't read social media, etc., every now and then others send me some items, but nothing bad. They protect me and send me what can't hurt me, I don't read anything else.

Interrogated by the secret services of Poland. Do you know what treatment they've been given?

As we know from what the consul said, they have given him fair, not bad treatment. When he was officially in solitary confinement, in those first 48 hours we were terrified by the treatment they were going to give him. There appears to have been no abuse. And then comes the unofficial period of incommunication.

Gonzalo Boye, in addition to his lawyer, now has a Polish private lawyer...

Your trusted attorney is Gonzalo Boye, but, well, now it's not a state office you're going to judge.

When did you sign Boye?

When the Ukrainian secret services joined Kiev before being arrested and discovered that the agents of the Spanish secret services had come home, he hired Gonzalo just in case.

What does Boy say to you?

While playing with time, lengthening time with bureaucratic mistakes to delay their contact with Paul.

And what can be done? Gonzalo has pointed to the need for an international pressure campaign.

I don't know exactly what's in the head, especially I have a courier relationship and there you can't go deep, and besides seeing the atmosphere now [TrailersGate, stalked with Boye Pegasus, is on the scandal list], Gonzalo is at its peak.

Could provisional detention be extended?

Yes, the consul told me from the beginning that he was going to serve three months in prison and that it would then be normal for him to continue. Reduction no.

What do you expect from judgment?

I don't know. I would like Poland to realise that they were wrong and left free. But seeing things as they are, I don't trust the context of war. I don't think you recognize it anymore. But, well, you have to keep hope.

In an interview he said you feel helpless. What do you think of the attitude of the authorities?

The Spanish Government has supported Poland rather than Paul, which causes great pain. They said they welcomed Poland ' s initiative and explanations, knowing that they are stepping up many of their fundamental rights, that they have the right to relate directly to their family and to be a trusted lawyer from the outset. The explanation and initiative is very painful. Moreover, Pedro Sánchez said that Paul asked that everything be kept secret and that is not true. That was requested by Poland at the beginning, Paul has nothing to hide.

What about the authorities in the Basque Country?

The external relations secretariat of the Basque Government contacted me from the outset, the treatment has been very good. But they cannot do much, because competition in external relations is not from the government, but from the Spanish state. They are limited. I think they have done what they have been able to do.

The Free Pablo González campaign was supported by a large group of journalists.

His acquaintances have moved the case more than the media. It is to be welcomed that many people who do not know him have shown his support. However, I am somewhat surprised that journalism is not scandaled as a guild with what is happening. It can be considered as a warning, and I do not know if that warning has no effect.

What is the next step? Are you preparing something?

We are awaiting trial. The story begins until May 29. Let's see what happens and if you leave it conditioned or free.

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