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Ahead of 20 years

Argazkia: Amets Aranguren

Two hours before the presentation has come to assemble the multitudinous. “But, aber, it’s a rapeed guy and a DJ already has it and it’s done, right? What do they have to assemble here?” he thought of some totally incomplete brains. Much of the brain responds to that “Amets, ixo ratu.”

THERAPY: 25 April
WHERE:Laba (Pamplona)

After a dozen years with the 2Zio group, Odei Barroso lives alone. Although the ØDEI project is individual, the rapper himself explains that it carries behind (or next door) a solid working group based on spectacular tables and outside it. Barroso has underlined the presence of my friend Jo Olascoaga, “I have ever been told that it is my shadow and I, rather than the shadow, reply that my light.”

Today it was not a concert, although many of us have been so anxious. Barroso comes to present his album. It explains from a stool the details of the new self-production work, the Monday we have seen the most full LABA. “I’m an addicted rap and it’s no joke, I need a dose to feel good every X time,” the rapper said seriously. He then gave eleven keys. “We have a period of 20 years, for example, compared to the French rap environment.” “Rapa has not been considered “ours” for many years.” Complexes, authenticity and others.

From the capital of Baiona to the capital of Pamplona, Therapy has expanded the different forms of anglerfish between the fumes. Barroso comments on the possibility of accessing its interior through the disc and has given us the opportunity to see that interior filled by a slot. The presentation had planned songs like Ni ta bera, Ondoan and Qué we wanted, but “other” has been first broadcast in public from the lands of Ene. Barroso received a message along this last song. In the chorus (I don’t know if the chorus word is the most appropriate) it says “Ene herria is not 64” and in the received message they asked him to see what it was 64. The fact that you have to explain what that very basic reference is makes the urruña rage. Although he does not want the words “Iparralde” and “Hegoalde”, the people of “Iparralde” are angry about having to know everything that happens in the “South”, because it’s not the other way around. “…how I got here, to write the word 'egocentrism' with 'h'” sings Periphferia in the song.

Odei, the therapy album, is the eternal Odei, but it doesn't matter what others say. Although Rap was educated with no friends, he is now a beat-maker who has published a paper with 15 trap and drill songs. The name of the album does not need a second round to be understood, Therapy has been a therapy, among others, for Urruña.


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