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Make it awesome

I could write this chronicle beforehand, although the sensory experience of the nightclub is difficult to describe in a few characters. The hegemonic discourse has also prevailed in manifestations outside the cracks of official culture. The story of what happens in the subsurface has been given to us by hand and we have made it uniform. If I had written this chronicle before, I would launch several topics about the breaking power of techno music at the speed, at the pulse, as if I had put the BPM on the keyboard. I would talk about rabbit holes, about the destruction of ego and about the transformation of music halls into temporary self-contained spaces. However, I decided to approach the festival organized by the Donations Project initiative attracting DJs listings in search of the benefits of evening dancing.

ProjectWHEN: March 18:
Fever (Bilbao)

The Donations Project group has organised musical activities of various kinds and the money obtained in all of them has been earmarked for beneficial initiatives. For example, the money earned on the techno night organized in the Fever room was donated to a food bank. The personal liberating experience that we can live through the iceberg has been added to its own political character and has long lost. Very grateful, because the transformative capacity of nightclub not only in hedonism.

The night started without the typical warm up, warming. The first tablespoon came from the hand of the duo Panduro DJ and its raw techno was difficult to swallow without initial shooting. Maybe that's why I couldn't tune into music all night long. Perhaps because of the coldness of the people and the lack of desire to dance, although arguments were put on the table to enjoy. The same static man wasn't helped by being surrounded by many. People cared more about being than about enjoying the experience. However, I would highlight two of the night sessions: The SMFORMA industrial EBM and bilbaíno Judy, who staged wanting to shake people, although it was more moderate than usual.

If he had previously written this text, he would offer them a musical idealization for dance. Since I was in the nightclub, I must admit that it was an insatiable experience. Another example of the unfortunate situation that the club’s culture is experiencing in our city, in Bilbao, is the absence of convincing rooms, the rugged programming and rapid consumption.

The dance culture needs reflection and work to, at least in our case, become a liberating and transformative tool. This has to be done day by day, organizing interesting proposals, approaching the nightclub, removing the ego and starting to dance.

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