This is the first time I see so many young people in Oihaneder's performances. The public includes bertsolaris, marica, bollera and Basque philosophy students. Or let them all be one. They've already started behind some peppers in the singing, and they've staged two bodies that we could describe as elegant doubles dresses: female red velvet suit, worm suit. But they wear masks to weld.
Show "eRRe"
WHEN: 3 April
WHERE:Casa del euskera Oihaneder (Vitoria)
As a first story, intense, Aner tells her grandmother Leire the story of the skater. The second is serious and responds solemnly in singing, looking at nothing. In the second piece Haizea and Oihana have come to count, imitating, the dialogue based on the experiences of their twin. Humor is to be welcomed, after the first part.
The son of Euzkitze, twins and unscrewed, has represented a prize. Among the satires of Gipuzkoan men in society, one point has drawn my attention: "There's no room for anyone, but there's somebody who has room." They talk about pain and singing from the heart or from the flesh and bone bodies. Treat serious issues seriously. The need to run over ideas from the opposite throat. With Alkaiza's legendary farewell.
They have risen above the chair and since dissent there is talk of compromise, youth, obesity and gender. Some knives then fall to Jon Maia, Pagadiri, Felix Zubiari and Bi balacos. If they are worth, why don't I feel bertsolari? ". The entrance of Oihaneder bursts with laughter. They have also made a claim against duality and have touched on many other issues.
But it is worth devoting a few words to the final chain of questions. One question after another and many bodies questioned. But I think it met yesterday that few had answers to the proposed questions. Even that among the potential spectators of the eRRe show are not the bodies that should collect the words of the quartet. It seems that telling the truth smokes as much as listening.
Asteburu honetan hasiko da Gaztetxeak Bertsotan egitasmo berria, Itsasun, eta zazpi kanporaketa izango ditu Euskal Herriko ondorengo hauetan: Hernanin, Mutrikun, Altsasun, Bilboko 7katun eta Gasteizen. Iragartzeko dago oraindik finala. Sariketa berezia izango da: 24 gaztez... [+]
Vagina Shadow(iko)
Group: The Mud Flowers.
The actors: Araitz Katarain, Janire Arrizabalaga and Izaro Bilbao.
Directed by: by Iraitz Lizarraga.
When: February 2nd.
In which: In the Usurbil Fire Room.
In recent years, I have made little progress. I have said it many times, I know, but just in case. Today I attended a bertsos session. “I wish you a lot.” Yes, that is why I have warned that I leave little, I assume that you are attending many cultural events, and that you... [+]