The Socialist Party received the bark in 2017: Only the match that won in 2012 won 6.36% of the vote. On 10 April the failure of the historic left party is confirmed: It does not exceed the 2% barrier. Because the left has changed, because the left has gone to the right. But if there is a left-wing citizen and as in 2017 it has been located on the far left. Jean-Luc Melenchau received 21.95% of the votes and 0.8 did not pass to the second round. The sum of votes received by the other leftist parties is 10%.
Thus, once again there is the threat from the tip of the right and, as in 2002 and 2017, the left has to make a useful vote or a valuable vote, voting right to hamper the extreme right. The fact is that, unlike five years ago, we know what Macron's real face is and it has become clear that it is in right-wing politics, in ultra-liberalism. On this occasion you will not receive the votes of all the left who in 2017 decided to cut the road to the far right. In 2002, the victory of the extreme right by surprise and terror caused the citizen to mobilize and 82.21% voted against Le Pen, compared to 66.10% in 2017. The great mystery between the two laps is the place that this useful vote will occupy. Abstention is the second. In 2002 there were demonstrations against the far right between the two rounds. Twenty years have passed and it has been customary for us to place the extreme right among the winners of the first round and demonstrations have disappeared over time. Alta, Le Pen is gaining access to power year after year.
Some of the Melencesta electorate will also vote in favour of Le Pen. On the left or on the right, because a group is going to choose the tip, a hungry change, tired of the socioeconomic difficulty that you have to suffer in daily life. This is also known by Le Pen and between the two translations will be addressed to the voters of Melencesta: "Who do we want to give power to the money or the person? That is the point. Let us assume the importance we attach to solidarity with the weakest, to the possibility of guaranteed rights or to healthy inclusion in retirement", he pointed out in the assessment of the results of the first round. Le Pen is trying to take advantage of the misery of the humble citizen, as the extreme right does.
But the second round between Macron and Le Pen is no surprise, and now those on the left have the lobby of not having agreed between the different parties on the left. However, last year the promoters of the popular primaries tried to complete the unit. But Melenchau, Jadot, Hidalgo and Roussel rejected the proposal to support the candidacy of Christiane Taubira, who won primaries. The left is in crisis, as in many countries of the world, in the French state. The left has the need to listen to the wishes and advice of left-wing citizenship and channel some changes from self-criticism. Unlike the Left, it only appears, because Macron and Le Pen are strong. He did not want to do so this year. Learn to:
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