As Jean Gabin said, the public admires some artists and loves others. Luis Mariano was undoubtedly one of the two categories. He was a singer with a unique vocal frame, with a special, unforgettable and very flexible tone of voice. But, in addition to all this, he had a loyal audience in love with his art, especially in France – nobody is a prophet in his territory, as it is said. Since his death in 1970 at the age of 55, the public remains faithful and there is no lack of flowers in his tomb of Arrangoitze.
From the life and work of this great tenor, Calixto Bieito proposes an emotional journey in tribute to the artist through a recital by Ismael Jordi and offering visual elements. With affection and taste, the Jerezan tenor performed the most beautiful songs that Luis Mariano made famous.
Of course, comparison was inevitable. The tone of the voice of Ismael Jordi is excellent, has an excellent emission and puts soul in the songs, but the sweetness, pronunciation and caramelized phrasing of Luis Mariano cannot be reproduced. And it may not be necessary. The way of singing the Iraqi tenor was the result of a specific technique and voice characteristics, which we all hold in our minds, and which we can also enjoy with many recordings.
Ismael Jordi made his songs his own, took some sweetness from them, but did not take away their outdated appeal.
He performed twelve songs such as Maman, the plus belle du monde conmovedor, the famous C'est magnifique, Imperial Violets and the pianist Acapulco ederra.Uneoro, Rubén Fernández Aguirre, and his musical direction. The repairs were carried out by Carlos Imaz.
It was a simple show, with a group of five musicians and a simple staging. As a singular element, the songs were accompanied by the videos of some scenes from the sixties, projecting familiar scenes from the time. The truth is that they had little relationship with songs or the life of the honored artist, but they didn't make big obstacles, although they didn't provide anything.
Ismael Jordi, charming and friendly to the audience, gave some bis, as well interpreted as everything else. A great contemporary tenor to remember a big star that the young public should know.
Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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WHERE: At the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao.
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