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A historical photo

Ikuskizunaren Bilboko emanaldia, Loraldia jaialdian. Argazkia: Loraldia
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

I didn't think parking in Vitoria would be so difficult. Or, rather, I didn't know that there could be such colorful marks painted on the edges of the road. No, I don't have a driving license, and yes, time was against us. At the last minute we arrived at the Main Theatre.

The image seen from the palco occupying the place and without hearing anything yet had little strength: Ruper Ordorika in the center of the stage and surrounded by Iñigo Goldarazena in electric bass, Asier Oleaga battery, mandolina Bixente Martínez and guitar and choirs Arkaitz Miner, violin, guitar, mandoline or desired string. The album Apurda Anphora, published by Ruper Ordorika, which was part of the band the same year of the dissolution of the Pott Band, has assembled the show on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the album. This Friday night, the city that completed the album will welcome the performance.

The time is broken
WHEN: March 25:
Main Theatre (Vitoria)

In addition to the musicians mentioned, the Pott Band itself has appeared on stage almost entirely, each of them giving: Bernardo Atxaga has been very clear in all quotes, from humor. He tells us how they prepared the Arriaga sanguitxa when they were young: three slices of bread moistened with butter, fried egg, gouda and beicona or bacon. Three floors. And it tells us what bar the best gin-tonic in the world were making. He has recently come to the theater by his mouth. The microphone has been followed by Joxemari Iturralde's play of words and the serious stories of Manu Ertzilla and filled with the innocence of Joseba Sarrionandia, responsible for many expectations. We have known what was the first song that Sarri heard Ruper singing and that the water of the Bilbao River 40 years ago was Cola Cao.

I thought I was feeling something special, but I didn't really know what. Although I could foresee it, I haven't been conscious until mid-acting: I had a historical photo up to my eyes. So, I thought that the concert that Oskorri had given in 1987 in TVE's A Media Voz program or Herzainak's farewell concert in 1991, which I've seen so long on YouTube, would be seen by those who haven't yet been born on the net in a few years. I would like to think, in any case, that this historic photo with ten participants will be the last historical photo of this country made up of ten men. It took them to play the album in its entirety and an accordionist not only edited this song, but also the following: Josu Zabala, if not.

I don't know if the picture will ever be repeated or not, the only thing I know is that I have beicona and blood with all that waiting for dinner.

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Bilbao BBK Live-k ‘life’-a xurgatzen dit!

Badator uda, eta horrekin batera, herri, auzo eta hirietako jai herrikoiak. Jaiak beti izan dira aldarrikapen sozial eta politikoen, auzokideen arteko harremanen eta euforia herrikoiaren aterpe. Gure kaleak hartzen dituzte, eta egun batzuez autogestioaren, desberdinen arteko... [+]

Aritz Colio (HTX)
“Hatortxu amaituko da, baina elkartasuna eta auzolanaren bidean gure aletxoa jartzen jarraituko dugu”

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2024-06-11 | ARGIA
Hatortxu Rock is definitely dismissed in 2025 with its 30th edition
In December 2024 and July 2025, the last two editions of the music festival will be held, focusing on solidarity with Basque political prisoners, refugees and deportees. “Huye Hatortxu but to give way to new tools.”

2024-03-15 | Iñigo Satrustegi
Dementors and boomers in Villava


WHEN: February 23.

PLACE: Sala Totem de Villava.


We had no doubt that Pello Reparaz and his band prepared the show, the question was how it was. The first three concerts of Aaztiyen tour in Villava –(sic.) In... [+]

Walls of music

The last crusade, the last pleasure, the last sigh... The repertoire of Basque music dedicated to the last is prolific. The latter, moreover, gains added value when it cannot be predicted, even if groups are increasingly measured when and how to say goodbye.

Recently, Huntza... [+]

Porrusalda and gait

Mefsst! Feminist musical revolt

WHEN: 24 February

WHERE: Hiruputzu youth centre in Zarautz


Mefsst starts with the Ainara Legardon conference! Second day of the festival in the gaztetxe Hiruputzu of Zarautz,... [+]

An inclined underground roof

Mice + Nakar + Les Sauvaje MJ
Where: At the Athenaeum of
Elorrio When: 23 December 2023.

[Photo: Ainhoa Iraola]


Premiere of the new season of the Ateneo music cycle. All tickets exhausted. So they told us, when... [+]

Live Chronicle
Once there were some mistakes...

Dismissed by Willis Drummond

Where: Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, San Sebastián

When: 5 January

Guests: Zetkin, Elvis Caino DJ, Indez DJ and Zumitren DJ.


... we will ever say. Go see him, but no longer. On 5 January... [+]

2024-01-02 | ARGIA
80 people tasted the Wrong Bermeo
The collective Asteriskes, formed by the dissident identities of Montaña and surroundings of Álava, organized on December 28 the musical festival Bermu Oker. It was carried out in the town of Contrasta, located on the border between Álava and Navarra. As the organizers have... [+]

2023-12-19 | ARGIA
On December 28, Bermú Oker music festival organized by dissident identities at the bar of Contrasta
Asteriskes is a group formed by dissident identities of the mountain areas and surroundings of Álava has organized the Bermu Oker music festival for December 28. The festival will be held in the town of Contrasta, located on the border between Álava and Navarra.

2023-12-18 |
Hatortxurock 28, a new ending
Today the 28th edition of the Hatortxurock solidarity festival has been held in Villava. The Music Festival, the aim of which is to make all the Basque representatives known, has reunited thousands of people. For the development of the festival, volunteering has been... [+]

2023-12-15 | Iñigo Satrustegi
Amorante and Ibil Bedi
Increasing the ports

Amorante and Ibil Bedi

Where: Ranpi del Puerto (Ondarroa)

When: 25 November


I have not yet had the opportunity to approach the Ranra of the Port of Ondarroa. My friends told me it was a special place and I was going to like... [+]

Bardo de Orio

Benito Lertxundi

Celebration night

When: 26 November.

Where: Baluarte (Pamplona).


The Pamplona people are approaching Christmas with the Orio bard, although the pandemic and the annual frequency of the other leg... [+]

Elixir neutral taste

Donizetti Opera L’elisir d’amore organised by ABAO

Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa (Director: I. López-Reynoso) and Bilbao Opera Choir (Director: B. Dujín).
Soloists: J. Prieto (tenor), E. Sancho Pereg (soprano), P. Ruiz (barítono), P. Bordogna (baritone), M. Ubieta... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude