Stressed woman, walking to school in the area of the seagull, snack and sports bag. That would be the image that would go back to almost everyone's mind if we talked about care and conciliation.
The issue is broader. In addition to caring for children, it is to pay attention to the elderly or those who have a special need. And although it is included in some labour conventions, people, infrastructure and government bodies do not take it into account.
For example, go to the doctor. There are people who must go along and go crazy. But there is no place to park the car, or if there is any special place it is full. Therefore, he needs two helpers: the one who enters with him in the consultation and the one who will park the car.
Two caregivers. Sometimes warning the day before, as if they were free all day. Perhaps you have to go to the other end of the province, although in a centre closer to home you have to do that test. In addition to time, the cost of the highway and fuel. The car, inevitably.
Nobody gets into the caregiver's skin, and so conciliation is a disease.
Once again, I started the afternoon, full of splashes from the previous one and without realizing it was a weekend. I have been in a few days on maternity and the words of then are the lightest splash I have. Or not. Undelivered jobs, clothing of the child, classes that should... [+]
Ikasgelan bi kasu positibo agertzearekin gelako haur guztiak etxera bidaltzen ari diren honetan –kasu bakarrarekin baheketa orokorra egitera ere ari dira bidaltzen ikasle guztiak–, Gabonetako oporren atarian beldur dira guraso asko: batzuk, haurra ikasgelan kutsatu... [+]
Again, Education has done its own thing. While Europe and the Spanish state themselves are taking steps to facilitate the reconciliation between work and family life (according to the latest news, the intention is to extend paternity leave to 6 months), the department leading... [+]
Aitatasun baimenaren inguruan aritu gara Zebrabideko kolaboratzaile den Iñaki Kasaresekin.