Why is it important to review our feminism?
Only in this way will we realise the Machistan lessons that we have incorporated. Immersion in feminism is a permanent process of learning and review, increasingly aware of the things that are really macho and that we have normalized. The same happens when we start to perceive everyday racism, capacitism, LGTBIQA+phobia…
Do you need a transinclusive look at the other feminist projects?
Aunitz Moreover, this was also one of the causes of the creation of Con V de Violeta. Without a transinclusive look, there is not feminism, but transphobia. And to the extent that the feminist struggle is an intersectional struggle, it also strives to become aware of the crushing that women suffer (cisgender and transversality). These crushes also multiply if you belong to other oppressed groups. In most of the spaces that have been reinserted into society, the cysheterogenic view prevails and, in other occasions, the transphobic participants participate. Can you imagine a learning space with the participation of someone who defends racist theories? Or fascists? I cannot, at least, accept any initiative that does not work for human rights, so the transphobic speeches are by no means feminist.
Is the division of feminism true or is it a patriarchal construction?
The division between feminists is one of the greatest patriarchal and capitalist victories. If we are separated, we have less strength, if we are confronted, we will be weaker. If each one only thinks of oneself, I disparage what happens to others and therefore win patriarchy and capital. That is why it is inevitable to join forces.
You talked about you being questioning your gender identity. What is your process going on?
I am still in the process of reflection and I find it difficult to respond. But I'm clear that I've been educated on the basis of unjust roles, and I've been denied many choices because I was labeled a woman when I was born. That’s why I’ve started to question what it means to be a woman…
And what does it mean?
When I had the first month I was told that I was a woman, I have always been told that motherhood is part of my essence, that I am more sensitive because I am a woman and that I have to be beautiful… and then I wonder what really makes me a woman? The functions I've been taught, or the body I have? Everything I've been told I defined as a woman doesn't define me. So I firmly believe that the future is non-binary. I think we've been stuck in the two identities that are short for us. That is why I feel replaced by female and neutral pronouns. I do not know where this debate is going, but questioning it is good for me and it enriches me.
I was talking about motherhood. Historically, it's been uncomfortable for feminism. Why?
As patriarchal society has imposed motherhood, in a wave of feminism the cry for sexual freedom was imposed and feminists went to the other end. “If the patriarchy wants to be a mother, we will do the opposite.” But it also doesn't give us more freedom as a woman, and a woman who wants to be a mother can be a feminist in the same way. The problem is not being a mother or not, the problem is educating to understand that this is the only way of happiness, as if it were an obligation. That is why it is essential to educate our children in freedom.
But how can children be educated in feminism?
It is one of the most important challenges, as they have the opportunity to do things differently. I don't have enough space to explain it here clearly, but families have a responsibility to be an example, to provide resources to educate on equality and to reclaim feminist education in schools. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to change the content that predominates in the media, cartoons, series or social networks, but it is important that the new generations have a critical look and are educated with resources to identify machismo. And in this sense, the big challenge is how we educate boys, since they are very timid, because through gender socialization boys are granted rights and duties different from those of girls, and that has nefarious consequences.
Finally, what do you think is the main challenge of feminism?
Continue to increase creativity among us and take a step towards men becoming true allies of feminism.
“I spent my childhood surrounded by women, with my mother and my mom: they took care of me, fed me and helped me grow. They were women who worked both at home and abroad, superwomanes. And the men also took care of me, my father and my grandfather. To some extent, they broke with hegemonic masculinity, but represented the tasks of men who worked outside the home... On the contrary, both domestic logistics and the emotional dimension have always been in the hands of women. I hope that our generation and our children will make different.”
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Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.