Many publishers rejected the book "The Glass Bell," because they understood it to be a barn and a bit light. It was first published in 1963 with the nickname Victoria Lucas. The glass bell could be a novel, but since it is a story very close to the author's life we could say that it is autobiographical.
Esther has the opportunity to make a stay in New York thanks to the competition won in a fashion magazine. The protagonist wants to be a poet and at the beginning of the book we are going to witness the daily life of a young woman with possibilities for it. Gradually and through Esther's inner monologue we discover how his world is irritated.
On the one hand, because she does not identify with the role that the women of the time were asked to play: she wants to write, travel. And as she says more than once, she doesn't want to get married, she wants to be a free woman. On the other hand, because society's double morality towards men and women affects them to the viscera: “I couldn’t support that idea, that the woman had a fluid life and that the man had a double face, one rough face and the other no” 113.orr.
In practice and in thought, a rebel and inexorable protagonist does not find his place in the society of the time and describes what can be a depression. Esther ends up in a private psychiatric ward and receive electroshock therapy. Although decadence is emotional and personal, Esther shows us the conflict with the demands of the gender roles of the time.
The "glass bell" is the object that is used to protect vulnerable, delicate objects. In this case, the metaphor can be used to bring the sensation that the protagonist is isolated and helpless in the world. Show what we can look at in the window protected by a glass.
Txalaparta published in March the Sylvia Plath Crystal Bell in the translation of Garazi Arrula Ruiz. I consider myself a lucky one because I have been able to read this significant work in Basque for the first time. Feminist work, exciting and exciting. Thank you very much.
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