In the end, music lovers are watching with great joy events in which almost everything is normal and quiet, to enjoy a good interpretation and magnificent programs. What a joy!
An example of this has been the Musika Musica festival held last weekend in Bilbao. At this festival a classic music marathon is broadcast, at all hours, with interpreters and very varied styles, so it is complicated not to find a concert or recital you like. The truth is, it was hard for me to choose which concert to write. But I've chosen two sessions with engaging programs and great performers that I want to highlight.
I will start with Bayerische Kammerphilharmonie, who acted under the direction of concertino Gabriel Ardojan. Formed in 1990 by a group of young musicians from Augsburg, the audience of Euskalduna vibrated with an interpretation full of energy and strongly compacted. The program was a real sweet: on the one hand, the Summer and Winter of Vivaldi and, on the other, the Porteño Udaberri and the Porteño de Autumn by Astor Piazzolla. The styles, initially unrelated, achieved an extraordinary connection. Vivaldi’s baroque passional and the dance and depth of Piazzolla created a unique atmosphere that the listeners thanked with applause.
We changed course with the Symphony Orchestra of Castilla y León. They performed a program composed of two emblematic works of classical Spanish music, with a great sound delicacy. The wonderful Aranjuez de Rodrigo concert for guitar and orchestra gained a new meaning with the performance of young soloist Rafael Aguirre, one of the world’s leading guitarists at the moment. It was a truly velvety version by this artist, who also captivated in visor with the piece The Memories of the Alhambra in Tatarrega.
We also liked Judith Jauregi as a soloist in his work for piano and orchestra Nights of Failure in the Gardens of Spain. In this work, the pianist disseminated virtuosity, elegant sound, fantasy and expressiveness at all times. As a tip, the Donostia soloist offered Debussy's Pagodak piece. Perhaps the ethereal atmosphere of the music of the French composer was lacking, but the version was elegant and technically perfect.
In the last concert of the Orchestra of the Basque Country, Handia, which referred to the two works that made up the program, the contrast of styles and the opposition to the sound experiences was undoubtedly the most attractive of the meeting.
To begin with, we had the... [+]
Director: Robert Treviño.
Soloist: Alexei Volodin (piano).
Programme: Works of Falla and Shostakovich. Place: Main Theatre Vitoria.Fecha: 23 September.
Overcoming the tragedy is the motto of this new season for the Basque Orchestra, a season in which... [+]
It is usual that at the end of the course, within the program of the Symphony Orchestra of Navarra, a concert is held with orchestras of the conservatory. This year the challenge was not easy: J. Variations on a theme by Haydn de Brahms, Carmen de Bizet, the first suite, and... [+]
Abuztuaren 31n Pablo Sarasate Fundazioa desegingo du Nafarroako Gobernuak. Kontuen Ganberak Orkestra Sinfonikoan izandako irregulartasunen ondorioz hartu dute erabakia.
Urtarrilean Nafarroako Kontuen Ganberak foru erkidegoko orkestra sinfonikoaren kudeaketari buruzko txostena argitaratu zuen, zenbait irregulartasun nabarmenduz. Asteartean azalduko ditu Gobernuak txostenaren ondorioz hartuko dituen neurriak.
Nafarroako Orkestra Sinfonikoa: Pucciniren Turandot
Michael Nyman konposatzaileak esan zuen, egungo gazteriak ez duela musika klasikoari buruzko inongo kulturarik, baina film askoren soinu bandei esker erreferentzia klasiko hori bilatzen jakin dutela.