How do you remember February 2002?
I remember nervously. But also with the illusion that occurs at the beginning of a road. At that time, I was 24 years old, because I had no radio experience, I started with my colleagues from Circles Irratia to discover this world and to assimilate the work of the radio. I was the last worker of Antxeta Irratia, by then the project was already materialized, but from the beginning I did it myself, because in this special region the need for a local media in Basque was evident. I also felt it was necessary to promote mutual knowledge.
How have these twenty years gone?
They have gone unnoticed, but at the same time they have been very intense. Antxeta Irratia has had different times, as this is a project that has been developed. It looks at the people, and I believe that the relationship with the associations of the region has been consolidated. Over the course of these twenty years there have also been changes in our region, and I would say that the Basque country has a greater presence in the public space, although more steps still need to be taken. The journey so far has been rich, with its good and difficult times. Many of the collaborators have gone through Antxeta Irratia and today the news is coming in, and that's what makes sense of our project.
You might ask what Maia without Antxeta is, but what would it be without Antxeta Maia?
Without Maia Antxeta would be another, because what the radio has given me personally has been great. During these years I have learned a lot and I am still studying, both professionally and personally. Instead, Antxeta would remain without me the same, no doubt.
Were you aware of the importance and role of a local media before you started working in Antxeta?
Yes, I was conscious, because I felt that in our region the ignorance was great. And I also realized what a local radio in Euskera could bring. I am a girl from Hendaia, who has passed through the local ikastola and who has passed from the Hondarribia Institute after several years in the Cambo School. Those of us who walk the bridge of Santiago on a daily basis are many, and through the radio that I particularly like, it seemed very nice to promote this mutual knowledge and the Basque among Basques like me. And I still think so.
In recent years, it has been immersed in cultural journalism, especially in the federation of the Basque Country Irratia.
Yes, I've been a cultural journalist for years, and that's what I'm thrilled about. Both music, theatre, literature or cinema are areas that I like and it seems to me that in the north we have a great deal of work in the diffusion of Basque culture. We try to contribute to the spectacularity of works in Basque. The harvest generated in Euskera is varied and rich, and it is essential that people living in Baiona, Donapaleu, Maule or Hendaia also know it.
There are things to celebrate, not least because Antxeta Irratia is going to have a new seat.
Yes, we are happy to be in the new place that offers us better conditions in twenty years. We are now in the Intzura district of Hendaia, and I think the new headquarters is going to bring a new impetus. Although the former headquarters was located in the centre of Hendaia, it has become obsolete and the conditions were no longer adequate for daily work.
What to say to listeners?
It is only for us to thank the listeners, because many have been faithful above the technical problems, and although we do not see them, we perceive them by their side. Taking advantage of the fact that this year we will also have Korrika, I would like to say that it is a special moment for us, because it gives us time to be with our listeners, it is an exciting and beautiful moment.
Irún, Biriatou, Hendaia and Hondarribia, recently also Bera. What does this valley have?
This valley has different habits of life, different languages around the Basque country and different dialects, it is very rich and varied, and I would say it has a lot of personality. It unites the mountain with the sea, it brings together towns and cities, and although we live under two or three administrations, the Basque and the Basque culture tie us together.
From Tiki you can do great things and in Basque.
Yes, and the media in Euskera are essential for the normalization of Euskera, as they are necessary to live in Euskera. We in Antxeta Irratia will continue to work on this. With the participation of the regional associations we have been able to develop during these twenty years very beautiful and large projects for us related to broadcasting. I want a good way to Antxeta Irratia!
“For twenty years we have had many anecdotes, that day that took the water the radio is from those that stay in memory; from one day to the other we ran out of radio, and in a few days we turned around the situation and from the upper floor the owner left us, creating a small writing room in the kitchen and being able to broadcast directly from the studio mounted in the living room... what memories!”
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Hego Euskal Herrian legalki arituko den euskarazko lehen irrati komunitarioa da. Lau urteren ostean, behin betiko erabakia hartu du epaileak.
Arrosa Sareak pozik agertu da Antxeta Irratia Donostialdean entzun ahal izango delako. Erredakziora bidali duten ondoko agirian egin dute haien balorazioa.
Behe Bidasoako Antxeta Irratiak 15 urte bete ditu. Mahai-inguruak, topaketa gastronomikoak, euskararen aldeko bestak eta gisakoak antolatu dituzte urteurrena ospatzeko. “Uhinak orrazten” lema aukeratu dute, beren esanetan, hori baita irratiaren eguneroko erronka,... [+]
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Antxeta irratiak bizikidetza sustatzeko jardunaldiak antolatu ditu Bidasoa bailaran otsailaren 5ean, 12an eta 19an. Lehenengo egunean Guardia Zibilaren, talde paramilitarren eta ETAren biktimak eta haien senideak elkartuko ditu.
“Emakumeen Ahotsa” proiektua abian jartzeko Europako diru-laguntzak eskatu dizkio Antxeta Irratiak Frantziako Gazte Sailari. Laguntzak kudeatzen dituen agentziak erantzun dio egitasmoak ez duela Europako dimentsiorik, euskara hutsean ari dela.