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The coconut has arrived!

Argazkia: Amets Aranguren Arrieta
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

After watching last year’s edition on streaming, she returns to Iruinkoa Street. The fourth edition of the Basque Carnival in Pamplona was a year more welcomed by the streets of the Casco Viejo on February 27, Sunday. We've been able to see, hear, feel and smell both coconut groves and kokoxurias putting all the corners of the neighborhood upside down.

Participants have an appointment at the Tio-Maldives Association at 8:00 in the morning for breakfast, dressing and refining the last details of the day. Here the dantzaris a.k.a. have met. kokoxuriak, zirtzilak a.k.a., musikariak a.k. The plague fanfare, the bertsolaris and the logistic team that works to make everything go well. At 9:30 all prepared, each in his paper. The hustle starts with force.

In the pasacalles, disorders a.a. have been stopped in four spaces of the neighborhood: After visiting LABA, Iruña Taldea, Iparla Elkartea and the friends of Matalaz, we headed to Plaza de Santa Ana, where they were going to give freedom. In the disturbances there has been plenty of food and drink and on the way to the plaza the two bertsolaris have been making little chronicles.

Hundreds of people have a circle to reach Santa Ana. One of the most beautiful things about Pamplona is intrigue, not only that the public doesn't know what they're going to find in the gestures, but it's also a surprise to the rest of the participants that it's not the chelates that surgeons will represent. This is the most charming thing that adds to the performance.

Carnival aims to caricature the events of the year and make people laugh or incite who have had a lot to talk about in the city, starting with themselves. This year, Hedoi Etxarte, Kai Nakai, Chill Mafia, Sporrín, Maya, TERF, GKS, Ernai and Ion Celestino have been given wood, among others. We have already seen the mythical tabernacles of the mythical bars of the Old Town complaining about it to Pfizer, Tinder, a Russian, Reimy, Anuar, Saioa Alkaiza and the Suletins, who claim what the true East is.

The bertsolaris Irati Majuelo and Saioa Alkaiza have worked hard to give their opinion on the recitals. A double difficulty for the champion of Navarra, being the protagonist of one of the gestures. The crocodiles were so introduced into them that a circus broke the clavicle in a heap of descent end. Once the performance in the plaza has been completed, she is immediately transferred to the hospital. Then, of course, it’s gone live… Eh! They're carnivals! Go back to the party! (At least for a while).

Do not think that in Basque, with common local referents and with a critical attitude, there are many places in this city to laugh at everyone.

P.D. : When I'm older, I want to be a crocodile.

Long live Iruin!

You are interested in the channel: Kale Antzerkia
In one case or another, necessarily on the street

Barsanti Theatre
Company on Red Street
Actors: Juanjo Otero, Aritza Rodriguez and Pako Revuelta
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Non: July 9 at the Hondarribia Plaza de Armas.


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