Really curious and recommendable this work offered by Zubizarreta and Gurrutxaga! Removing the first page, everything else happens in the same space; as if we were in the theater, the reader will be able to see what happened on stage (in the kitchen of the house).
At first, the narrator presents himself: “Edda is my name (…) I am the smallest of the house, the smallest of the class, the smallest of the world, I am Edda Aroz (…) but my brother says to me: ‘Edda, Edda, speech therapist!’ Why is it? So the reader knows two main features of Edda, which is small and sometimes has trouble speaking.
But from the presentation everything happens in the kitchen. As she prepares dinner, Aita gets a call and runs to the hospital, where Danel stays in the care of Edda. But the girl wants to be with an adult and calls her father, her brother stops her and then calls her mother. Mom tells her mother to watch the children's school album, while Edda asks her mother to tell her a story, and this tells her the story of the king of birds, how little chepetx managed to become the queen of birds: “There is the smallest, the largest.”
The story continues and the kitchen wall clock takes on the main role at the rate of the story. Gurrutxaga perfectly reflects the stillness and movement of space; everything seems to be still, but time changes it a little bit. In addition, when you finally go to visit the birramone, the image of the kitchen appears in the dark and away from the window, the scene of the house of the great-grandson.
It tells us a very nice story and on many occasions in a very poetic way. When we're alone, when we're unprotected, seconds get longer, we feel slower in time. And that's what happens to Edda. Tic, the girl feels tac, loneliness and fear until she repels the fear and comfort of Danel.
As mentioned above, it seems that we are dealing with a play rather than a story. The use of the album, in this sense, is perfect to focus on history, see the development of Edda and make the reader enjoy a daily and moving story through excellent narratives and illustrations.
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