A place cannot be limited to coordinates. A site can't just be a point on a map, or a mural. A map will never be able to represent exactly the territory, because it is much more than a physical place. A mural limits reality by entering a rectangular cage.
A place, here exposition When:
7 January
Where: Diocesan Museum (Bilbao)
The venue is the exhibition hall of the Diocesan Museum of Bilbao. Here and now. The place is chosen by the artist Madalen Pinuaga Jaio and there we are the spectators here and nowhere else. On the walls there are seven frames in dialogue between them, even with us. It's seven landscapes, seven doors open for the viewer to go through and nest.
The works are testimony to a stage of the author. It is on the threshold of a new phase and, before taking the next step, decides to look back. This has been a pre-prepared stage. When he started painting those paintings, he knew he was behind something, but he wasn't quite clear what that was going to be. But following intuition he finds the way, confirms the sospechas.Con organic brushstrokes and play of blue, gray and green has represented coastal landscapes overcoming the supposed strict geometry of our corners. The author has wanted to go beyond the anecdote, playing not only with the viewer's perception, but also with his own.
Our brain filters were designed so that the grandeur of the universe doesn't drown us. These filters are limits, their function is that. In the same way, we are slaves to the language taught and, consequently, we are not able to go further. When we want to imagine the world, we have a habit of closing our eyes and looking inwards, driven by the impossibility of finding the depth of what we have at eye level, as if divinity were in us.
Landscape art, like our environment, has been denied spirituality.
The function of the artist is to go beyond the objectivity of the landscape, to open the doors of perception and to undertake a cosmic journey. Go behind something, even if you don't know what you're looking for. Madalen offers us seven paintings, seven doors open, not to contemplate us, but to live the place where it has fallen and created, to travel out of the place of birth. The brushes and colors chosen are hieroglyphs, the key that will open the world lock in parallel.
Only when we open the doors of our perception and we are going to clean the roads will we not have to stay in this room. The water of the sea will circulate through our veins and our skin will be the moss. In the meantime, we will be here, in the places that Madalen has created us.
Behin batean, gazterik, gidoi nagusia betetzea egokitu zitzaion. Elbira Zipitriaren ikasle izanak, ikastolen mugimendu berriarekin bat egin zuen. Irakasle izan zen artisau baino lehen. Gero, eskulturgile. Egun, musika jotzen du, bere gogoz eta bere buruarentzat. Eta beti, eta 35... [+]
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