Peru and we are,” said Idoia when presenting the group. It was the first time I saw Peru Galley on top of the tarima, pending for many years. I knew her digital music well and personally shared with her more than one conversation, but never the two things at once: Peru and its music. On Sunday of December night I would put a little color in the concert of the house of culture of Huarte.
Peru Galbet
When: 26 December
Where: House of Culture of Huarte
Who are you? The singer is presenting his album. Now live, they defend in trio format a disk healed by themselves during the pandemic: Peru, in addition to the voice, has a charanga and ukulele in its hands. Xanti helps him with the bass and makes a few crowns and Idoia embodies most of his songs with the Spanish guitar, even in the singing. Although I love the album a lot, I've seen a big difference between what I've heard digital and what I've heard face-to-face. Xanti, either with fingers or arches, puts the bed to the melodies and the arpeggized chords of Idoia guide and color the songs.
After playing the songs of the last album or, rather, of the brochure (if they are not at home you are still on time), in honor of the time we spent in Bolivia, he has offered us three composed songs. Two Spaniards, the third in another language that I am not able to recognize. I liked what he said, “This floor is quadriculated.” The hands of Peru, when he sings, have something to do, is comfortable. It is not the most common among singers who normally have an instrument in their hands. In the music world, there are people who focus only on the instrumental aspect, leaving the letters in the background. And there are those who do the opposite. Peru achieves the balance between the two, music is important, but not only does it pronounce the words, but it feels them at the same time as it sings.
Even if it was my first time, I would dare to say that she was at home and that the singer was for her. Their ability to improvise has been occupying places beyond music during the performance, and in the arrangement on the stage it is also perceived that it allows playing with the margin, to be flexible. On the occasion of the birthday of her aunt Ana, who has set the stage so beautiful, she has also been sung a Peruvian version of the mythical birthday song.
For the public there has been no lack of invitation, “if you want a song, we will try…”. I wanted what a couple of years ago made me known to him and his music. I have not dared. He then told me that he would have loved it if he had proposed it.
I thought that Peru would transmit through its songs (and others) that same sweetness that it has to treat people above the haze, and it wasn't wrong.
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